Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: February 6, 2024 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. 7-a <br /> SUBJECT: Presentation of the Draft Solid Waste Master Plan <br /> DEPARTMENT: Solid Waste <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> Draft Solid Waste Master Plan Robert Williams, 919-918-4904 <br /> PURPOSE: To receive a presentation on the Draft Solid Waste Master Plan, consider the <br /> recommendations in the Plan, and provide direction to staff regarding which scenario presented <br /> in the Plan should be pursued. <br /> BACKGROUND: Orange County issued a Request for Proposals on April 9, 2021 for <br /> development of a Solid Waste Master Plan that moves the County to "Zero Waste" by 2045. As <br /> approved by the Solid Waste Advisory Group, the overarching goals for the Solid Waste Master <br /> Plan and its development have been as follows: <br /> Goal 1. Develop a comprehensive and easily understandable Solid Waste Master Plan, with <br /> identifiable action items and a plan summary; <br /> Goal 2. Develop a comprehensive strategy that by 2045 will lead to "Zero Waste," as defined <br /> by the County; <br /> Goal 3. Integrate the Plan's efforts with the ongoing climate action plans of the County, the <br /> Municipalities, the University and the University Health Care system.; <br /> Goal 4. Select a sustainable business model that incorporates the financial, social and <br /> environmental; including carbon footprint reduction impacts on our community; <br /> Goal 5. Identify future programs, initiatives, facilities, and infrastructure to achieve the "Zero <br /> Waste" goal, as defined by the County, while ensuring the long-term financial <br /> stability of the County's solid waste and recycling program; <br /> Goal 6. Identify strategies to increase public education and participation in waste reduction <br /> and waste diversion programs through awareness of reduction, reuse, recycling and <br /> composting; while addressing ordinance and enforcement requirements; <br />