Orange County NC Website
20 <br /> Wendi Ramsden, PLA <br /> Landscape Architect 1 111 W Main Street Durham, NC 27701 <br /> Wendi is a registered landscape architect in North Carolina with over 30 years of <br /> experience specializing in site layout, site analysis, master planning, permitting, and <br /> construction observation for education, civic/institutional, greenway, and playground/park <br /> design projects. <br /> Education <br /> BA, Landscape Architecture, 1998, University of Maryland <br /> BA, Urban and Regional Planning, 1983, University of Western Ontario <br /> Project Experience <br /> Chapel Hill Splash Pad Feasiblity Study, Project Manager Durham County Main Library, Durham, NC, Project <br /> for a study of existing Town-owned sites to determine the Manager and Landscape Architect responsible for site <br /> feasibility and cost implications of adding a splash pad design and site permitting of the complete re-visioning of the <br /> facility and inclusive playground to the Town's park system. 4-acre main library site in downtown Durham. This included <br /> re-orientation of the main entry, entry plaza, outdoor seating <br /> Homestead Gardens, Chapel Hill, Project Manager and gathering areas, an outdoor amphitheater, and general <br /> and Landscape Architect for a new affordable housing landscaping. Responsible for design development drawings, <br /> community on Homestead Road. Project scope includes site site and landscape design, site permitting involving <br /> layout and access, site amenities, greenway trail design, approvals through the City of Durham, and construction <br /> utilities and stormwater management for a 12-acre site. drawings. <br /> Responsibilities include site layout and landscape design, <br /> site entitlements and permitting through the Town of Chapel NCCU BN Duke Auditorium, Durham, NC, Redevelopment <br /> Hill, and construction drawings. of the street corner to create a point of orientation for <br /> the NCCU campus. The project included a new entry <br /> SECU Family House Expansion, Chapel Hill, NC, Project courtyard at the BN Duke Auditorium new gallery entry, <br /> Manager and Landscape Architect for the expansion of the and new seating courtyard at the Music Rehearsal Wing, <br /> existing State Employees Credit Union's (SECU) Family as well as landscaping on the site. Site work was designed <br /> House. Responsible for expansion of parking, landscaping, in conjunction with the BN Duke Auditorium expansion. <br /> and improvement of pedestrian walkways, paved trails, and Responsibilities included site and landscape design, and <br /> the addition of a nature trail with activity centers. Specific site permitting through the City of Durham. <br /> responsibilities include site layout and detailing, landscape <br /> design, trail design, public and neighborhood meetings, site Lucas Middle School, Durham, NC, Project Manager and <br /> permitting through the Town of Chapel Hill, and construction Landscape Architect for a new middle school and outdoor <br /> observation. Project is located on land owned by University athletic facilities on a 150-acre site. Responsibilities included <br /> of North Carolina.Approvals included coordination with UNC site layout and landscape design for school facility and <br /> Facilities Services. adjacent park athletic fields, streetscape improvements, site <br /> permitting, construction drawings, and limited construction <br /> Morgan Creek Trail Study, Carrboro, NC, Project Manager administraiton. <br /> and Landscape Architect for a realignment study for a <br /> 2.5-mile greenway multi-use trail from University Lake to Durham County Stadium Renovations, Durham, NC, <br /> Smith Level Road along Morgan Creek. Site analysis and Landscape Architect for improvements to a sports stadium. <br /> conceptual design included preparation and lead of public Scope of site work included replacement of the grass field <br /> meetings for neighborhood input, report preparation, and with an artificial turf field including a new drainage system. <br /> presentation to various design review boards and Board of New construction included an entry plaza and ticket sales <br /> Aldermen. area for both the home side and visitor side. Security fencing <br /> and gates, handicap and priority parking area, bus drop off <br /> Sandy Ridge Elementary School, Durham, NC, Project zone, trash collection areas, and landscaping were added to <br /> Manager and Landscape Architect for a new LEED Gold the site surrounding the stadium. Responsibilities included <br /> certified 600-student elementary school and outdoor design of the site, site permits through the City of Durham, <br /> facilities including playgrounds, soccer field, nature trails pedestrian improvement permits through NC DOT, and <br /> on a 25-acre site. Served as client liaison for site permitting limited construction administration. <br /> and entitlements through City of Durham, site design <br /> development, landscape design, and construction drawings. <br /> TTHOMAS Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to Provide Design Services for the Development of the <br /> & Greene Tract Master Plan I RFQ No:367-005390 I Orange County, NC <br /> HUTTON <br />