Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID : ECA8B837-2B92-49BC-9B91 -297A3D5049C1 <br /> b . Scheduling of Services <br /> i) The Provider shall schedule and perform its activities in a timely manner so as to <br /> meet the Milestone Dates listed in Section 3 . <br /> 11) Should the County determine that the Provider is behind schedule , it may require <br /> the Provider to expedite and accelerate its efforts , including providing additional <br /> resources and working overtime , as necessary, to perform its services in <br /> accordance with the approved project schedule at no additional cost to the <br /> County . <br /> 111) The Commencement Date for the Provider' s Basic Services shall be January 15 , <br /> 2024 . <br /> 5 . Compensation <br /> a. Compensation for Basic Services . Compensation for Basic Services shall include all <br /> compensation due the Provider from the County for all services satisfactorily (as <br /> determined by the County) performed pursuant to this Agreement . The maximum <br /> amount payable for Basic Services is ONE HUNDRED EIGHT THOUSAND Dollars <br /> ($ 108 , 000 ) . In the event the amount stated on an invoice is disputed by the County , the <br /> County may withhold payment of all or a portion of the amount stated on an invoice <br /> until the parties resolve the dispute . Payment for Basic Services shall become due and <br /> payable in direct proportion to satisfactory services performed and work accomplished . <br /> Payments will be made as Project milestones as set out in Section 3 (a) (ii) are achieved <br /> up to the corresponding milestone fee . (For example, Provider may invoice for the <br /> amount listed as the milestone fee corresponding to the first milestone task upon <br /> County 's acknowledgement of the satisfactory completion of Task one . Upon the <br /> County 's acknowledgement that the second Task has been satisfactorily completed <br /> Provider may invoice for that corresponding milestone fee . ) Milestone fees shall be the <br /> maximum amount payable for its corresponding milestone task which shall not be <br /> altered except by written amendment . <br /> b . Additional Services . County shall not be responsible for costs related to any services in <br /> addition to the Basic Services performed by Provider unless County requests such <br /> additional services in writing and such additional services are evidenced by a written <br /> amendment to this Agreement . <br /> 6 . Responsibilities of the County <br /> a . Cooperation and Coordination . The County has designated (Christopher J. Sandt, P. E. ) <br /> to act as the County' s representative with respect to the Project who shall have the <br /> authority to render decisions within guidelines established by the County Manager or the <br /> County Board of Commissioners and who shall be available during working hours as <br /> often as may be reasonably required to render decisions and to furnish information . <br /> 7 . Insurance <br /> a . General Requirements . Provider shall obtain, at its sole expense , Commercial General <br /> Liability Insurance , Automobile Insurance , Workers ' Compensation Insurance , and any <br /> Revised 04 / 23 P & I Request Edits 4 <br />