Orange County NC Website
26 <br /> Lynn: Agrees the lack of renovation plans are the reasons for her low scores as well. <br /> Lynn: How old is the property? <br /> Erica: Explains it was built in the 1960's. <br /> Lynn: Expresses her wish for the board to see the properties to see if it is a good use of county funds, <br /> asks for clarification on what Empowerment is purchasing exactly. <br /> Kyle: Explains that it is impossible to acquire and renovate existing affordable housing quickly <br /> however this is a better option than building new affordable housing units. <br /> Hasan: Asks for clarification concerning the application funding request. <br /> Lynn: Clarifies that Empowerment are asking$500,000 for this project. <br /> Hasan: Expresses his dismay at the projects score <br /> Kyle: Explains this has been scored low because the scorecard does not necessarily reflect the <br /> project correctly. <br /> Hasan: Expresses his wish for the board to be more thoughtful when reviewing this project. <br /> Lynn: suggests that this is something we take into account when fixing the scores in the future. <br /> Kyle: Explains that he would have previously scored empowerment as a zero for many criteria <br /> however his opinion has changed due to the context <br /> i) Discussion on Empowerment(Homestead) <br /> Kyle: Explains the situation regarding the empowerment project: "Once again, empowerment has <br /> received a low score. This is due to the scoring sheet's incompatibility with the project's nature, <br /> despite my personal support for the project." <br /> Lynn: Expresses confusion about the funding amount requested by Empowerment. <br /> Kyle: clarifies the request: "Empowerment is asking for$1,000,000 in CIP Funds for this project." <br /> Lynn: I'm in favor of funding this project. However, I'm confused about the requested amount. <br /> Empowerment included an agency budget, but there's no specific budget for the project itself. <br /> Kyle: Agrees with Lynn's observation about the lack of clarity in the funding request. <br /> j) Discussion on Final Funding Recommendations <br /> Erica: Explains that the board has the option to fully, partially, or not fund projects. <br /> Kyle: States that board members can recommend affordable housing projects to the BOCC regardless <br /> of their scoring. Inquires about the next availability of funding. <br /> Bonnie: Clarifies that CIP funding will next be available in 2025. <br /> Hasan: Questions the progression of projects with only partial funding. <br /> Lynn: Remarks that it's uncertain how projects would proceed with partial funding. <br />