Agenda 01-16-24; 12-7 - Information Item - Memorandum Regarding Short Range Transit Plan and Transportation Multimodal Plan Kick Offs
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-16-2024 Business Meeting
Agenda 01-16-24; 12-7 - Information Item - Memorandum Regarding Short Range Transit Plan and Transportation Multimodal Plan Kick Offs
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Agenda for January 16, 2024 BOCC Meeting
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13 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> Public Engagement Plan SHORT RANGE TRANSIT PLAN <br /> ■ Promote an open, inclusive, and transparent public involvement process by providing clear <br /> and consistent information that is easy to understand and disseminated in multiple formats <br /> based on audience needs. <br /> ■ Implement measures for seeking input from and considering the needs of those traditionally <br /> underserved by existing transportation systems as defined in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of <br /> 1964 (Title VI), such as low income, minority, disabled, and non-English speaking individuals. <br /> ■ Build trust by closing the loop to ensure all participants receive follow-up information about <br /> outcomes. <br /> LEVEL OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION <br /> In accordance with the IAP2 Spectrum of Public Engagement, the public's role in the engagement <br /> process for the Orange County SRTP update project is "Consult." The public, including transit riders, <br /> county stakeholders, and other county residents, will be informed of the Short-Range Transit <br /> planning process and previous planning efforts. The public will provide their ideas, concerns, <br /> and recommendations for the plan that may be incorporated into the update. Recommendations will <br /> be developed based on the feedback collected and presented to the group as a final summary to <br /> increase transparency and assist the public with understanding the impact their participation had. <br /> OUTREACH METHODS <br /> P3 and Nelson\Nygaard will develop detailed phase outreach plans to guide the engagement <br /> activities associated with each project phase. The engagement plans for each phase will include <br /> strategies and methods tailored to capture content needed to advise technical decisions. P3 will <br /> collaborate with Nelson\Nygaard to develop these plans and each plan will create a diversity of <br /> opportunities for people to provide feedback and input. <br /> Prior to developing tactical plans for each phase of engagement, the P3 and Nelson\Nygaard team <br /> will review previous engagement efforts carried out as part of previous planning processes. We will <br /> review each plan with the goal of building on the successes achieved by previous efforts. In some <br /> cases, we may replicate previous efforts or adapt strategies and tactics to meet the needs of the <br /> Orange County SRTP. <br /> Pop-Up Events <br /> Pop-up events will be held at bus stop shelters, transit stations, and other major destinations. At each <br /> pop-up event project staff will invite participants to learn more about the project and fill out surveys. <br /> Events will include translated materials and language interpretation services to ensure that the <br /> engagement is equitable to all in the county. These pop-up events will feature a table and <br /> presentation boards displaying information about the Orange County SRTP process. Flyers or <br /> handouts will be available for the public to take home with them, and those flyers will include the <br /> Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates 3-2 <br />
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