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12 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> Public Engagement Plan SHORT RANGE TRANSIT PLAN <br /> 3 PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT PLAN <br /> OVERVIEW <br /> Public awareness, education, and engagement are components of a successful Public Engagement <br /> Plan. Proactive and responsive public engagement efforts will be conducted throughout the Orange <br /> County Short Range Transit Plan update. Nelson\Nygaard and Public Participation Partners <br /> recommend using a combination of virtual and in-person activities, such as stakeholder meetings, <br /> popup events, and online and print surveys. <br /> ENGAGEMENT GOALS <br /> The Orange County Short Range Transit Plan development process is designed to be transparent, <br /> equitable, inclusive, and accessible. Our team recognizes the importance of public engagement as an <br /> integral part of the planning process to ensure recommendations and investments reflect and <br /> respond to community needs and interests. <br /> The engagement process will incorporate public engagement policies and guidelines including the <br /> Orange County Transportation Services Public Involvement Plan. The goal of the Orange County <br /> Short Range Transit Plan public engagement is to provide residents and stakeholders with: <br /> ■ Information about the Orange County Short Range Transit Plan, including current investment <br /> priorities <br /> ■ Opportunities to share input and take part in prioritizing and reevaluating transit service <br /> investments and identifying areas for improvements and expansion <br /> ■ A clear understanding of how their input factors into plan update recommendations <br /> The following core actions to ensure our process is effective and transparent: <br /> ■ Establish early and continuous public participation opportunities that provide timely <br /> information to all interested parties. <br /> ■ Provide multiple methods for public input to gain an understanding of the values and needs <br /> of residents. <br /> ■ Provide reasonable public access to information to enhance the public's knowledge and <br /> ability to participate in the development of the design. <br /> Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates 3-1 <br />