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36 <br /> 1 bond rate, which fluctuates with the economy. He said that right now Orange County is in a good <br /> 2 place, but it could drop in the future. <br /> 3 Commissioner Fowler asked what impact the rate has on the county, such as interest rates <br /> 4 for debt financing. She also asked what the requirements are for funding OPEB. She asked if it <br /> 5 was just a policy. <br /> 6 Travis Myren said it has no impact on any other rates. <br /> 7 Youveak Yeng said the county could adopt a formal OPEB funding policy where there is <br /> 8 a funding strategy for a number of years and then draw down on it eventually. <br /> 9 Chair Bedford said that there is a county resolution to contribute the projected pay as you <br /> 10 go financing requirements with an additional amount to be determined annually by the Board. <br /> 11 Commissioner Greene said the Board has an opportunity to discuss it each year as part <br /> 12 of the budget process. <br /> 13 Commissioner Hamilton said the numbers are a projection, which are subject to change. <br /> 14 She said it makes sense to have some committed fund balance for times when the OPEB <br /> 15 payments are higher. She said she thinks the county policy is appropriate, but the county should <br /> 16 continue to pay attention. She said that having the funds in committed fund balance is being <br /> 17 fiscally responsible. <br /> 18 Vice-Chair McKee said he wanted to see cost projections. He said that he brings it up <br /> 19 each year because he does not want the county to be in a difficult financial position. He said the <br /> 20 county made promises to employees and he wants to keep those promises. <br /> 21 Bonnie Hammersley said the liability in 2014 was $160 million. She said she thinks the <br /> 22 decrease is due to the interest rate. She said they have not seen a big increase in the pay as you <br /> 23 go amount each year due to the benefit changes in 2012. She said the pay as you go amount in <br /> 24 the budget each year has been around $3 million. She said because of the strength of the <br /> 25 economy in our area, the risk of needing to use the funds in the irrevocable trust is slim. <br /> 26 Chair Bedford asked if there are any changes expected due to the pandemic. <br /> 27 Youveak Yeng said that the pandemic was a short event, and their studies are long range, <br /> 28 so there likely was not a significant impact. <br /> 29 Commissioner Hamilton said so much of the study is based on assumptions with the state. <br /> 30 She said that it is important for the county to pay attention to the county's data and costs. <br /> 31 Chair Bedford said that having this information makes her less likely to take funds intended <br /> 32 for OPEB to pay for other programs or issues. <br /> 33 Vice-Chair McKee said that it is always his fear that the amount will be used to fund other <br /> 34 priorities. <br /> 35 Commissioner Hamilton said hopefully no Board would take aways those funds since <br /> 36 those funds are related to benefit promises that attract employees. <br /> 37 Vice-Chair McKee said the 2012 benefit changes meant that employees stayed longer at <br /> 38 the county in order to receive post-retirement benefits. He said that future circumstances might <br /> 39 change the response of the county to this liability. He said his concern is that the county is able <br /> 40 to meet their promise. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 4. Chapel Hill Orange County Visitors Bureau Advisory Board —Appointments Discussion <br /> 43 The Board considered appointments to the Chapel Hill Orange County Visitors Bureau Advisory <br /> 44 Board. <br /> 45 <br /> 46 BACKGROUND: The Chapel Hill Orange County Visitors Bureau Advisory Board is charged with <br /> 47 developing and coordinating visitor services in Orange County. It also implements marketing <br /> 48 programs that will enhance the economic activity and quality of life in the community. <br /> 49 <br /> 50 The Board of County Commissioners appoints all 17 members, with representation from specific <br /> 51 entities and fields. <br />