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48 <br /> The Long-Range Facilities Optimization Plan provides guid- The final recommendation considers the facility needs for <br /> ance to county and district leadership in making decisions students across both districts. It aims to promote good <br /> to adequately fund facility improvements while working facility stewardship and educationally appropriate learn- <br /> within fiscal realities. Ultimately,the plan provides oppor- ing environments for all students. <br /> tunities for learning to occur in warm, cool, safe, and dry <br /> facilities and provide strategic updates to learning spaces. As shown in Figure 2-1,the comprehensive data collection <br /> To better understand existing conditions and create an leads to a series of options and a final recommendation <br /> actionable plan, a comprehensive assessment and plan- that considers the best return on investment for the resi- <br /> ning process were undertaken. Assessment information dents and students of Orange County based on the follow- <br /> can be found in the 2023 State of Facilities Report. ing key planning questions: <br /> The facility plan for CHCCS and OCS considers the condi- Given the condition needs of each building relative to <br /> tion,capacity,utilization,educational adequacy,and fund- its replacement cost, should it be maintained, reno- <br /> ing to create a comprehensive plan.To create a successful vated,or replaced? <br /> plan, condition, adequacy and demographic information Given population trends relative to school capacity, <br /> was organized and analyzed in various options ranging does Orange County need the same, more, or fewer <br /> from minimum viable repairs through potential renova- facilities? <br /> tions and replacement. Given the size and adequacy of this building,would a <br /> The options were vetted through an iterative process with renovated facility be a viable option that is able to <br /> leadership from Orange County, CHCCS, and OCS. Based educate students for decades to come? <br /> on the feedback received from the stakeholders, a final Overall,what is the best strategy to make certain every <br /> recommendation was compiled for consideration. This student in every community has access to safe and <br /> report outlines the four options considered in each district. educationally adequate schools? <br /> Figure 2-1: Long-Range Facility Optimization Plan Process <br /> FACILITY CAPACITY <br /> PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS <br /> • <br /> JEE 0 <br /> 10-YEAR MAIRTM STATE OF FACILITIES <br /> LIFECYCLE ASSESSMENT FACILITIESOPTIMIZATION <br /> PLAN <br /> x <br /> DEFICIENCY COSTS EDUCATIONAL <br /> ADEQUACY <br /> 6 <br />