Agenda - 03-16-2004-8d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-16-2004
Agenda - 03-16-2004-8d
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8/29/2008 2:24:39 PM
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8/29/2008 10:39:33 AM
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20040316
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2004
NS - Grant- Criminal Justice Partnership Program Continuation Grant Application
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\BOCC Grants\2000 - 2009\2004\2004 Grants
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K <br />15B District Attorney or court official of the acceptance or ultimate <br />rejection of the offender (hereafter "Client") for entry into the program. <br />C, The case management and counseling services provided by PTA shall include, <br />but are not limited to the following: <br />i) Enter into an agreement with each Client, which contract lays out <br />all program rules and requirements and provides for drug and <br />alcohol testing to confirm abstinence from drug and alcohol abuse <br />and the confidentiality of information and records <br />ii) Assign a Case Manager to each Client who may be assisted in <br />providing counseling services by responsible, properly trained and <br />screened volunteers, with all managers and volunteers being <br />supervised by a Program Director <br />iii) Develop an individual case management/counseling plan for each <br />Client <br />iv) Contact or meet with the Client at least 2-3 times per week <br />v) Work closely with the Client's family to assist them in developing <br />better coping skills to effectively deal and relate to the Client's <br />addiction and abuse and to support the Client's recovery <br />vi) Establish appropriate support mechanisms for Clients, engaging <br />them in a structured prograrn that eliminates excess free time, <br />particularly on weekends <br />vii) Introduce Clients to Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics <br />Anonymous, and other locally sponsored support groups such as <br />those provided by churches <br />viii) Conduct daily program activities as applicable such as <br />assessments, individual and group education and counseling using <br />the cognitive behavior approach, follow-up sessions, home and <br />school visits and meetings with probation officers, employers, <br />family members, pastors, school counselors and resource officers <br />ix) Monitor work attendance and require that all Clients remain <br />employed while participating in the program <br />x) Monitor school attendance (including GED and high school <br />diploma completion) <br />xi) Provide a check-in telephone number at PTA that Clients must call <br />on a weekly basis <br />xii) Conduct periodic random urine screening and/or breathalyzer <br />testing that is submitted at PTA, 15B probation offices or at the <br />Client's home, to confirm the Client's drug- and alcohol-fiee status <br />xiii) Document thoroughly all contacts and activities <br />xiv) Terminate successfully any Client that completes the program <br />having followed all program requirement including remaining <br />alcohol and drug free for four (4) concurrent months while in the <br />program while remaining in school, cooperating and abiding with <br />parental rules including curfew <br />xv) Terminate unsuccessfully any Client that fails to comply with his <br />or her case management plan, refuses to attend or enroll in school,
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