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Advocate , whose property contains several Pee Wee Homes . In addition , the property at 2032 <br /> Homestead Road is in close proximity to Inter-faith Council ( IFC ) properties , as well as Orange <br /> County ' s Southern Human Services Center and Seymour Center . Since assuming ownership , <br /> Caramore has provided enhancements to the home and ensured its upkeep . <br /> Over the last several months , Alliance Health , Caramore and Orange County human services <br /> leaders have been discussing whether this property could be utilized to fill critical housing , <br /> behavioral health and reentry needs . It was determined by these stakeholders that the property <br /> could best serve the community as a new collaborative Bridge Housing program for individuals <br /> with behavioral health diagnoses . With escalating numbers of residents in Orange County <br /> experiencing homelessness with behavioral health needs seeking stabilization and support on <br /> their way to permanent housing , this program will provide critical housing and interventions for <br /> their support . <br /> The Bridge Housing program at 2032 Homestead Road will serve six individuals in four bedrooms <br /> for up to five months . Four (4 ) of the beds will serve individuals identified by Orange County , and <br /> two (2 ) beds will serve individuals identified by Alliance Health . The program will be staffed seven <br /> ( 7 ) days a week with two (2 ) positions providing case management and peer support through <br /> individual and group programming . Orange County housing , behavioral health , reentry and social <br /> service providers will have full access to the home to provide necessary additional supports . <br /> Referrals to fill the four (4 ) Orange County-funded beds will be placed via Coordinated Entry to <br /> ensure alignment with Orange County priorities , reduce duplication of efforts , and facilitate faster <br /> connection to permanent housing . <br /> The program would be managed by Caramore under a contract with Alliance Health . As Alliance <br /> Health already has an existing relationship with Caramore , this additional program collaboration <br /> would be far more cost- effective than retaining a new provider . Since 1974 , Caramore has been <br /> in Chapel Hill providing vocational and residential support services to adults living with mental <br /> illness . The Caramore model of services is client- centered and effective , with its services being <br /> advocacy- oriented and community- based . Over the years , thousands of Caramore clients have <br /> successfully transitioned to independent living and employment . <br /> The Homestead property and the collaboration between Alliance Health , Caramore and Orange <br /> County provides a truly unique opportunity to provide a centrally- located , short-term supportive <br /> housing model that fills a significant gap in the Homeless System Gaps Analysis . The Town of <br /> Chapel Hill has been notified of this proposal for the property at 2032 Homestead Road , and <br /> Housing Director Sarah Vinas has ensured Orange County that there are no issues from a zoning <br /> perspective and that implementation efforts can proceed without community engagement or <br /> additional notification being required . <br /> The financing of this Bridge Housing program will be a partnership between Orange County , <br /> Caramore and Alliance Health . This chart below details the costs associated with a necessary <br /> renovation , the costs to Caramore during the two - month renovation , the start- up costs and the <br /> annual operating expenses for the six- bed program . <br />