Orange County NC Website
Between Me university of North Carolina at chapel Hill <br /> School of Dmmany for Ma <br /> Department of PetliaMe Dentistry and OCHD <br /> Pape 2 m 3 <br /> 5. The $cil l of Dentistry win be responsible Mr Me negllgends IN Its Sometimes and <br /> agents to tlw aslant of Me NoM Car011ne Ton Claims Act. <br /> i OS <br /> a. The School M Oemistry shallpy r�s�ppo�nsible for training as hardware to follow Oe OSHA <br /> Blood-0orne Pamopens SNntlartls,A1SM st Its randants comply wild boom measurements <br /> established by Worth Caroline state regulations and Me Sahwl of DentlaTy. <br /> T. no School of Dentistry will maintain proper health records of We ravideni%rotating through <br /> Me Healm Deparhnent and Intel its residents about Hepatitis B visceral about Me <br /> neaikenPa reponsibility for paat-exposure Will and any included WSW,about the makanb <br /> disposa ltty for the pmv&IW IN ptranets eon pmeM and proper postaximmure reW kceping. <br /> B, The vwson whose services ere to be provided pursuant to may Agreement Is,far all <br /> purposes,an employee IN Me School of Oendi pv <br /> aa The POtlietrk Den4alry headline are supervised <br /> the UNC SCMd INDBMleby(ucaeapw�r <br /> F�epanmeM of Peddift Dentistry D2tluaW Program Dilotor. <br /> XlS <br /> 10. Whits Me School of ski Dentistry bytidenteal Of Hearn[Determined the Of at latest labmry <br /> a+eraae kill a avlded by ins School of Dentistry vnN coverage of at lea%t Et million, <br /> per Incident $9 million pv year <br /> 11, This Agreement Melt on for a period of one year from Me SO day of Jull 200210 Me <br /> Mh day of June,3003,aM shell he rend le Meraefea, <br /> 12 The School of 0ent try will bill Me Health 0epenment at the case of each month at Me <br /> MNM$50001day for a maximum of 40 week"ar Maximum reimbursement til 00). The <br /> paymen Wit be made payadle to the UNC Oeprom ent of Pediatric Dentia0y and mailed to: <br /> We Jo Ann Blalock,barrel Octslry,UNC School of Dentistry,Us Brauer Hell,Manning Drive, <br /> Chapel Hill, NC 2]539-]400. <br /> 13. The Health Department and the School a Dentistry in its eMcmonmI andror employment <br /> p2c5ces Me Heabb Department will comply with such noMbalminatan laws as may be <br /> appllcebe t0 it In the pedgmarKb of this AhwvWM <br /> 14. rob Agreement or be renmells may be terminated!at any Sme Saudi lenety by either <br /> WMprW,dW Mat Will notice of such Nomination Is fumened to he Mher perry at least 0 days <br /> p-OrlotenMnatlm. Intheevent Of Suchterminatimanypaymentshallbepmr WMe Eallof <br /> termination. <br /> 15. The Agreement contains Me entire undxetandlnO M the parties and shall not he Shat 1. <br /> amended or mmired,except by an apreement M wring executed by Me duly eutioraed concede <br /> of boat pe'tNa. <br /> is. The larva of Norm Carbide Wall govern Me validity and inseminated of the provisions, <br /> terms and cmddorm or this Agreement <br />