Orange County NC Website
SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT : The following Orange County Social Justice Goals are applicable <br /> to this item : <br /> • GOAL : ENSURE ECONOMIC SELF -SUFFICIENCY <br /> The creation and preservation of infrastructure , policies , programs and funding necessary <br /> for residents to provide shelter , food , clothing and medical care for themselves and their <br /> dependents . <br /> • GOAL : CREATE A SAFE COMMUNITY <br /> The reduction of risks from vehicle/traffic accidents , childhood and senior injuries , gang <br /> activity , substance abuse and domestic violence . <br /> Efforts to address opioid abuse will create a safe community and ensure a community network of <br /> basic human services and infrastructure that maintains , protects and promotes the well - being of <br /> all residents in Orange County . <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT : There is no Orange County Environmental Responsibility Goal <br /> impact associated with this item . <br /> RECOMMENDATION ( S ) : The Manager recommends the Board : <br /> 1 ) receive an update on the Opioid Advisory Committee and recommendations from the <br /> Committee regarding the use of Opioid Settlement Funds that support Option A of the MOA <br /> on the Allocation and Use of Opioid Settlement Funds in North Carolina ; <br /> 2 ) approve the attached resolution regarding the expenditure of Opioid Settlement Funds ; <br /> and <br /> 3 ) approve Budget Amendment #4 - 13 . <br />