Orange County NC Website
9 <br /> Attachment 2 <br /> BYLAWS AND OPERATING PROCEDURES <br /> ORANGE STAFF WORKING GROUP <br /> ARTICLE I —NAME <br /> The name of this organization shall be the Orange Staff Working Group, hereinafter referred to as <br /> the "Orange SWG. <br /> ARTICLE II— PURPOSE <br /> Article III of the Transit Governance Interlocal Agreement (Governance ILA) for the <br /> implementation of the Orange County Transit Multi-Year Vision Plan established the Orange SWG <br /> for the following purposes: <br /> To coordinate the ongoing planning and implementation aspects of the Orange County <br /> Transit Multi-Year Vision Plan as defined in the "Transit Governance Interlocal <br /> Agreement Between Research Triangle Public Transportation Authority, Durham- <br /> Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization, and Orange County," <br /> hereinafter referred to as the "ILA," fully executed by the three parties March 8, 2023. <br /> To serve in a structured advisory role to the Orange County Board of Commissioners, the <br /> Research Triangle Public Transportation Authority (GoTriangle) Board of Trustees, <br /> and the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC- <br /> MPO) Board in their decision-making responsibilities outlined in the ILA related to <br /> the implementation and ongoing maintenance of and updates to the Orange County <br /> Transit Multi-Year Vision Plan(Multi-Year Vision Plan). <br /> To review the Multi-Year Vision Plan at least every four years and recommend changes <br /> to the managers and governing boards of Orange County, GoTriangle, and the <br /> Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO). <br /> To prepare and make recommendations to the Orange County Board of <br /> Commissioners and GoTriangle's Board of Trustees for the Annual Transit <br /> Work Program. <br /> To prepare and communicate mid-year and annual progress reports on the <br /> implementation of the Orange County Transit Multi-Year Vision Plan. <br /> To evaluate whether a material change, as further defined in supporting Financial <br /> Policies &Procedures,to the Plan is necessitated, and if so, to recommend a course <br /> of action to the managers of Orange County, GoTriangle, and the Durham-Chapel <br /> Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization(DCHC MPO). <br />