Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> A Regional Law Enforcement Liaison serves as coordinator and organizer for highway safety activities in their respective region. i <br /> Efforts to continue to promote and involve law enforcement agencies in these lifesaving endeavors are of paramount importance <br /> to this statewide program. LELs are required to host events, attend, and conduct meetings, assist County Coordinators with <br /> organizing highway safety campaigns, and encouraging agencies to participate and report their activities. <br /> Budget Justification (Provide a detailed explanation of the costs associated with proposed project): <br /> The Orange County Sheriffs Office has continued to see an increase in speeding violations. The majority of enforcement taking <br /> place on major roadways due to their high crash volume, speeding continues to be a leading cause of crashes within our county. <br /> With funding for 2 additional RADARS, more officers can be placed in areas to combat this concern. Our hope is that more <br /> enforcement leads to less crashes. <br /> Additional funds are requested to continue the monitoring of four Speed Display Signs we use to collect data in areas where we <br /> have speeding complaints. This software allows up to change settings, monitor the status, and retrieve data from the signs <br /> remotely in an effort to make us more efficient in deploying our resources to address the speeding problems in the area. <br /> Also, funds are requested to provide meals for quarterly County Coordinator Meetings. <br /> We are also requesting additional funds to upgrade the firmware for our DWI Simulator. It has been several years since the last <br /> update and as technology has changed, so has the need to have the computer software updated to make this worthwhile i <br /> educational tool more relevant in the prevention of driving while impaired. <br /> Travel Justification (Provide justification for all travel expenses): <br /> In-state travel and out-of-state funds will be used for travel to perform LEL functions, trainings, and responsibilities. Some of the ii <br /> funds may be used to attend traffic safety conferences and trainings similar to NCGHSP's traffic safety conference, the annual I <br /> Lifesaver's national conference, the GHSA annual conference and trainings related to traffic safety enforcement and education. <br /> • • ' • / / 1 • . • B <br /> Provide the agency's number of sworn officers 120 <br /> Does the agency currently have a dedicated traffic or DWI unit? Yes (` No (: <br /> If a dedicated traffic or DWI unit exists, how many officers are assigned to the unit? <br /> • • •- • . '• <br /> htt s://connect.ncdot. ov/munici alities/Law-Enforcement/Pa es/Law-Enforcement-Re ortin as x <br /> Overall Fatality Ranking: 43 <br /> Alcohol Fatality Ranking: 35 <br /> Unrestrained Fatality Ranking: 36 <br /> Speed Related Fatalities: 28 <br /> Other Applicable Rankings: (Specify) <br /> Year 2020 Occupant Protection Citations DWI Citations 73 Speed Citations 560 <br /> Year 2021 Occupant Protection Citations DWI Citations 50 Speed Citations 283 <br /> Year 2022 Occupant Protection Citations 7 DWI Citations 41 Speed Citations 135 <br /> Goals and Objectives (Provide at least one SMART(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely) goals and <br /> objectives. For more detailed information see "How to write an effective traffic safety project"located at: <br /> htt s://connect.ncdot. ovlmunici alities/Law-EnforcementIPa es/Law-Enforcement-Re ortin .as x <br /> Goal #1: Goal: Promote highway safety within Region 5 with increased efforts to raise seatbelt use above 90% by September <br /> 30, 2024. Raise the law enforcement agency participation rate in Region 5 from the 2021-2022 average of 78.6% to <br /> an average of 85 % reporting in Region 5 by September 30, 2024. <br /> Objectives: Conduct a minimum of four Law Enforcement County Coordinator (LSCC) meetings to discuss current <br /> highway safety activities, GHSP issues, training opportunities, and legal updates and concerns. <br /> • Gather LSCC monthly reports, awarding 25 GHSP STEP system credits for Coordinators each month they <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br />