Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> all models assume an upfront tax increase in FY 2026, after a potential bond referendum in <br /> November 2024. <br /> SchoolScenario New County New One Time Tax Peak <br /> FundingTitle Funding . <br /> Al $75 million $130 million 4.00 cents 17.4% <br /> A2 $130 million $130 million 4.57 cents 18.0% <br /> C1 $130 million $400 million 7.89 cents 22.0% <br /> C2 $130 million $300 million bond + 8.66 cents 19.4% <br /> $100 million pay-go <br /> D $130 million $630 million 11.22 cents 26.6% <br /> Scenario Descriptions <br /> • Scenario Al <br /> o Spreads the first five years of County Facility Plan ($70 million) over ten years and <br /> adds 3% annual inflation ($5 million) to account for spreading the projects over a <br /> longer timeframe <br /> o Continues the $130 million school bond from the FY2023-24 CIP <br /> o When combined with existing and planned resources, provides $219 million in the <br /> first five years to meet Woolpert's Option A and an additional $59 million over the <br /> ten-year planning horizon to address other priority needs. <br /> o The County would have sufficient collateral to finance this scenario with a Limited <br /> Obligation Bond instead of a voter approved General Obligation Bond. <br /> • Scenario A2 <br /> o Funds the County Facility Plan short range and mid-range projects ($130 million) <br /> over ten years <br /> o Continues the $130 million school bond from FY2023-24 CIP <br /> o When combined with existing and planned resources, provides $219 million in the <br /> first five years to meet Woolpert's Option A and an additional $59 million over the <br /> ten-year planning horizon to address other priority needs. <br /> o The County would have sufficient collateral to finance this scenario with a Limited <br /> Obligation Bond instead of a voter-approved General Obligation Bond. <br /> • Scenario B <br /> Option B from the Woolpert report was not analyzed since it costs more ($1 .1 billion) than <br /> Option D ($1.0 billion) and does not address any of the educational adequacy or interior <br /> space improvements. <br /> • Scenario C1 <br /> o Funds the County Facility Plan short range and mid-range projects ($130 million) <br /> over ten years <br /> o Adds a $400 million school bond <br /> o When combined with existing and planned resources, yields total school resources <br /> of $548 million which meets the Woolpert Option C target of $541.2 million with an <br /> additional $6.8 million to address other priority needs. <br />