Orange County NC Website
28 <br /> FINAL RECOMMENDATION-COSTS PER PHASE PRIMARY BENEFITS <br /> CHCCS OCs Total Enhanced teaching and <br /> learning environments <br /> Phase 1 $249.2M $179.2M $428.4M advance educational out- <br /> comes and opportunities <br /> Phase 2 $167.OM $181.5M $348.5M <br /> • Improved school utiliza- <br /> tion provides students the <br /> Phase 3 $130.7M $103.2M $233.9M flexible spaces necessary <br /> for multiple learning <br /> Total $546.9M $463.9M $1,010.8M styles <br /> • Updated classroom <br /> STRATEGIES. The plan is organized around six distinct strategies: spaces and learning tools <br /> 1. Adequacy - school facilities that lack key learning and support spaces that meet today's educa- <br /> relative to design standards. tion standards <br /> Replacement School -schools that need to be rebuilt because of their <br /> condition,educational adequacy,or utilization. A right-sized portfolio <br /> Renovation - schools would receive renovations to provide interior creates operational <br /> spaces more closely aligned to current design standards. efficiencies <br /> New School-new schools are recommended when needed to alleviates <br /> over capacity and where growth is occurring and anticipated to continue. Investing in the commu- <br /> 5. High Priority Needs - addresses the highest priority needs for facilities nity attracts and retains <br /> that are not being renovated or replaced. residents by providing <br /> 6. Consolidate-combines two schools into a single facility. competitive schools <br /> FINAL RECOMMENDATION-COSTS PER STRATEGY OVER 15 YEARS $269.3M <br /> $215.3M <br /> ■CHCCS [ OCS $192.5M <br /> $102.5M <br /> $71.5M <br /> $48.6M $49.5M <br /> $16.3M $16.4M $24.9M <br /> $2.7M $1.3M <br /> ADEQUACY CONSOLIDATE HIGH PRIORITY NEW SCHOOL RENOVATION REPLACEMENT <br /> NEEDS SCHOOL <br /> e. <br /> 4�' o0 00 <br /> 2 <br />