Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: December 12, 2023 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. 7-a <br /> SUBJECT: Discussion on School and County Capital Planning and Financing Scenarios <br /> DEPARTMENT: County Manager, Finance and <br /> Administrative Services, and <br /> Asset Management Services <br /> (AMS) <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> Attachment 1. Financing Scenario Travis Myren, (919) 245-2308 <br /> Illustrations Gary Donaldson, (919) 245-2453 <br /> Attachment 2. O'Brien Atkins Facility Kirk Vaughn, (919) 245-2153 <br /> Master Plan Steve Arndt, (919) 245-2658 <br /> Attachment 3. Woolpert School Facility <br /> and Optimization Plan <br /> PURPOSE: To review and discuss financing scenarios related to implementing the long range <br /> County Facility Plan and the School Long Range Facilities Optimization Plan and to provide <br /> direction to staff on adjustments to the financing scenarios defined in this abstract with the goal <br /> of adopting a preferred plan of finance by the end of January 2024. <br /> BACKGROUND: The County engaged two facility consulting firms to evaluate the condition and <br /> adequacy of both County and School facilities and to make prioritized recommendations on capital <br /> improvements over a ten year planning horizon. Both plans utilize the Facilities Conditions Index <br /> which quantifies facility conditions and can be used to prioritize repairs and replacements. <br /> County Facility Plan <br /> The County selected O'Brien Atkins Associates on March 2022 to review the state of County <br /> facilities from both a facility condition and space planning context over a 10-year period. O'Brien <br /> Atkins Associates presented a final draft to the Board of Commissioners on November 9, 2023. <br /> That draft identified eight decision points to improve public safety, justice, social services, and <br /> recreational facilities over the next ten years. The lowest cost alternative identified a total of $130 <br /> million in renovation and construction needs. <br /> School Facility Plan <br /> The County and School Districts selected Woolpert in March 2023 to review the state of the school <br /> facilities from a facility condition, space planning, and educational adequacy context. Woolpert <br /> last presented to the County Board on December 4, 2023 outlining four options to address the <br /> next five to fifteen years of school facility needs. The total cost of those options range from $219 <br /> million to $1.1 billion. Woolpert is recommending an option that would require $1 billion in capital <br /> investment over the next 15 years. <br />