Agenda 12-12-23; 8-g - Amendments to the Orange County Staff Working Group (SWG) By-Laws and Operating Procedures
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Agenda - 12-12-2023 Business Meeting
Agenda 12-12-23; 8-g - Amendments to the Orange County Staff Working Group (SWG) By-Laws and Operating Procedures
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12/7/2023 3:05:15 PM
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12/7/2023 2:58:39 PM
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Agenda for December 12, 2023 BOCC Meeting
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12 <br /> ARTICLE V—OFFICERS <br /> Section 1 —Officers Defined: <br /> The Orange SWG shall,upon the majority vote of its present and eligible voting members, appoint <br /> one voting member to act as Chair and one voting member to act as Vice-Chair. Chair and Vice <br /> Chair cannot be from the same jurisdiction for any consecutive term. <br /> Section 2 —Elections: <br /> The Chair and Vice Chair shall be elected annually at the last regularly scheduled meeting of the <br /> fiscal year. The newly elected Chair and Vice-Chair shall take office immediately upon being <br /> elected. <br /> Section 3 —Terms of Office: <br /> The term of office shall be one year. The Chair is limited to two consecutive terms. Each officer <br /> shall hold office until his/her successor has been duly elected or until his/her earlier death, <br /> resignation, disqualification, incapacity to serve, or removal from the SWG by his/her chief <br /> executive officer. <br /> Section 4—Duties of Officers: <br /> The Chair shall call and preside over meetings and appoint subcommittees. The Chair shall <br /> coordinate with the SWG Administrator in the development of meeting logistics, meeting <br /> agendas, and summary meeting notes of the SWG's proceedings. The SWG Administrator shall <br /> maintain a current copy of these Operating Procedures as an addendum to the Interlocal <br /> Implementation Agreement, to be distributed to the public upon request. <br /> In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall preside and complete all other duties of the Chair. <br /> ARTICLE VI—MEETINGS <br /> Section 1 —Clerk of the Committee: <br /> The SWG Administrator shall serve as the clerk of the SWG and an impartial member of the <br /> SWG. They shall provide or otherwise delegate routine administrative services for the SWG, as <br /> needed, and will be responsible for taking summary minutes of the SWG's proceedings and <br /> documenting all associated actions at each meeting. The SWG Administrator shall maintain a <br /> current copy of these Bylaws, to be distributed to the Orange County Board of Commissioners, <br /> DCHC MPO Board, and the GoTriangle Board of Trustees as required by the ILA and to the <br /> public, upon request. When a vote is called by any voting member of the SWG, the SWG <br /> Administrator shall facilitate that vote as the impartial person administering the group. This allows <br /> the Chair and/or Vice Chair to cast votes in their appropriate role. <br /> 4 <br />
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