Agenda 12-12-23; 6-a - Opioid Advisory Committee Settlement Use Recommendations and Approval of Budget Amendment #4-B
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Agenda - 12-12-2023 Business Meeting
Agenda 12-12-23; 6-a - Opioid Advisory Committee Settlement Use Recommendations and Approval of Budget Amendment #4-B
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12/7/2023 3:02:56 PM
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12/7/2023 2:53:30 PM
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Agenda for December 12, 2023 BOCC Meeting
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25 <br /> Project Goals, Objectives and Outcomes <br /> Goals: <br /> I. Develop, maintain and grow the PORT program; <br /> ll. Provide PORT services to each; <br /> a. eligible opioid overdose and withdrawal patient encountered by OC-EMS; <br /> b. eligible gap coverage client at time of release from the Orange County Detention Center; <br /> c. eligible client referred to the program from other Orange County departments, emergency <br /> departments, organizations and the community at large <br /> Objectives: <br /> i. Implement a state-approved Medication Assisted Treatment Protocol(attachment F); <br /> ii. Train CPs and PSSs on the state approved protocol; <br /> iii. Develop MOU with all partnering OTPs and OBOTs; <br /> iv. Update Overdose Refusal Policy to include offering of PORT services to all eligible patients by <br /> responding EMS unit; <br /> V. Create partnership and referral process for local Emergency Departments as well as other <br /> community partners to connect patients with program; <br /> vi. Create and provide training for all OC-EMS staff to ensure all potential referrals are captured and <br /> educated on service; <br /> vii. Provide training on PORT program to all partner first responder agencies to ensure awareness of <br /> service; <br /> viii. Support and expand current harm reduction efforts with availability of service; <br /> ix. Identify all potential clients through daily surveillance of each referral pathway; <br /> X. Screen and assess every eligible referral and patient for services; <br /> xi. Adhere to PORT MAT protocol for all eligible referrals; <br /> xii. Provide buprenorphine in eligible patient's homes for up to 7 days; <br /> xiii. Provide referral and warm handoff of patients to appropriate OTP to OBOT; <br /> xiv. Conduct follow-up with successfully enrolled PORT MAT participants to determine ongoing <br /> needs and quality of interaction with EMS providers, community paramedics, etc. <br /> xv. Collect all program data; <br /> xvi. Provide quarterly reports pertaining to PORT program <br /> Outcomes: <br /> i) Each eligible patient is provided access to the PORT program; <br /> ii) Improved program efficacy through utilization and review of monthly program data; <br /> iii) Increased connection of individuals with OUD to effective resources; <br /> iv) Decreased incidence of opioid overdose death within Orange County; <br /> v) Decreased Emergency Department OUD utilization by individuals enrolled in PORT program; <br /> vi) Decreased OUD related utilization of EMS by individuals enrolled in the PORT program; <br /> vii) Decreased repeat OUD related utilization of individuals who have previously interfaced with OC- <br /> EMS and are enrolled in the PORT program; <br /> viii) Increased EMS provider abilities to effectively interface with OUD patients; <br /> ix) Improved EMS provider morale and engagement as it pertains to OUD patient encounters; <br /> x) Increased intake of enrollees through referrals from community partners; <br /> xi) Decreased frequency of individuals released from Orange County Detention Center experiencing <br /> a gap in MAT <br /> 6 <br />
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