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4 <br /> 2006 and 2012. By contrast, participating in the IAIA allows Orange County in the interim period <br /> to achieve full Stage I existing development compliance. <br /> The IAIA program began on July 1, 2021 and after two years of productive, nutrient reducing IAIA <br /> projects across member jurisdictions, the UNRBA is now confident that an investment-based,joint <br /> compliance approach to the Rules is the path to success. Orange County has already completed <br /> several stormwater retrofits, invested in land conservation in the Neuse River Basin, and <br /> increased efforts in hydrilla control in just two fiscal years. This new direction has enabled the <br /> UNRBA to revise its original consensus principles from 2010 and present the attached document <br /> — the UNRBA Consensus Principles 11 (Attachment 3). These Principles are based on scientific <br /> conclusions resulting from a 10-year evaluation of Falls Lake and its watershed by the UNRBA, <br /> NC Collaboratory, and other organizations. The Principles are described in more detail in a <br /> companion document titled UNRBA Concepts and Principles for Reexamination (Attachment 4). <br /> County staff from DEAPR and Planning and Inspections have been involved in the development <br /> of this program from the outset and recommend support of this strategy as a more productive, <br /> cost-effective, collaborative and technically efficient way to address the nutrient loading issues <br /> that will be needed for Falls Lake. <br /> Commissioner Sally Greene serves as the Orange County Board of Commissioners' member on <br /> the UNRBA Board of Directors, with Commissioner Jamezetta Bedford as Alternate #1 and <br /> Orange County Water Resources Coordinator Wesley Poole as Alternate #2. At the November <br /> 15, 2023 UNRBA Board of Directors meeting, each delegate will be asked to vote to indicate <br /> support for the Upper Neuse River Basin Association (UNRBA) Consensus Principles II for the <br /> revised Falls Lake Rules. <br /> Wesley Poole, Water Resources Coordinator, introduced Forrest Westall, UNRBA <br /> Executive Director. Forrest Westall made the following presentation: <br /> Slide #1 <br /> Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> The UNRBA's Recommendations for a <br /> Revised Falls Lake Nutrient Management <br /> Strategy <br /> November 2,202- <br /> Forrest Westall thanked the Board and Orange County staff for their collaboration. <br />