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14 <br /> is a solid focus now in the CAP for development. She said they also made connectivity a priority <br /> through trails, walking and biking, and a lot of language was added around that. She said they <br /> looked at the recreation plan and all other planning documents and the language used in this plan <br /> is consistent with other county plans. She said that in response to Commissioner Richards's <br /> previous request to move educational strategies up, they assigned a ranking score and that is <br /> how the timeline was provided. She said that some of the educational strategies were moved to <br /> 2024. She said that the Climate Core Program was used to get more boots on the ground to be <br /> more involved. She said that another suggestion from the symposium was to allow the public to <br /> donate to community climate action grant program. She said these are just some of the changes <br /> since the first draft. <br /> Slide #5 <br /> STRATEGY ACTION <br /> GC 1.1 GC 1.1.1 <br /> Prior itize th e can servation of green Monitor and report annually on the progress of the"Orange County- <br /> spaces in the County to serve Chapel Hill-Carrboro Joint Planning Agreement and Land Use Plan"to <br /> as rural buffers against climate the Board of County Commissioners <br /> impacts,continuing the goal of QC 1.1.2 <br /> conserving a significant portion of Develop a long term conservation plan in the Comprehensive Land Use <br /> total County Sand area <br /> Plan{currently under developmen#}#hat prioritizes rural buffers and anti- <br /> TIER:FOUNDATIONAL sprawl zoning <br /> PRIORITY SCORE:5.50 GC1.1.3 <br /> CO-BENEFITS: Develop rural buffer standards across the County,with carve outs for <br /> municipeIIties and grandfathering in existing structures <br /> 00- 0000GC1.1.4 <br /> Examine current development within the rural#puffer;rewrite the <br /> regulations to prevent further suburban developments <br />