Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> TOTAL <br /> NC Arts Council Funding: Grassroots Arts Program $25,508 <br /> NC Arts Council Funding: ARPA $35,001 <br /> Orange County Funding: Artist Support Grants $28,800 <br /> Orange County Funding: Outside Agencies $29,711 <br /> TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDING $119,020 <br /> Total dollar amount requests $158,497 <br /> Total grants awarded 38, or 81% of applications <br /> Total applications received 47, 45 eligible <br /> Total first-time applicants 12, or 30% of applicants <br /> The OCAC grant review and awards process is as follows: <br /> 1. The grant application process is open for two months. Two virtual training sessions <br /> occurred and the OCAC director was available for one-on-one meetings. <br /> 2. After the due date, OCAC staff conducts an initial compliance and eligibility review. <br /> Applications found noncompliant or outside of the grant requirements are considered <br /> disqualified. Eligible organizations are given a compliance score based on prior year <br /> adherence to grant requirements such as logo usage and reporting. <br /> 3. Qualified applications are forwarded to members of each review panel for initial review <br /> and scoring. This year's grant panels included the following: <br /> a. Visual Arts: Composed of OCAC Board Members with visual arts expertise, as well <br /> as one visual arts professional from the community. <br /> b. Performing Arts: Composed of OCAC Board Members with performing arts <br /> expertise, as well as one performing arts professional from the community. <br /> c. Literary Arts: Composed of OCAC Board Members with literary arts expertise. <br /> 4. Non-governmental Grassroots Arts Program (GAP) applicants are also evaluated by a <br /> Financial Review Panel who examine submitted financial documents to determine <br /> financial solvency and stability. <br /> 5. Each panel met virtually to evaluate assigned applications. Feedback, first strengths and <br /> then challenges, was offered by panelists and recorded by OCAC staff. After discussion, <br /> each panelist submitted a score through the online platform for each of the categories <br /> below. After all scores were submitted, the Director recorded the final score per applicant. <br /> 6. The scoring rubric for this year's grant program was as follows: <br /> GRASSROOTS ARTS PROGRAM - ORGANIZATIONS <br /> Artistic Merit— 30% <br /> Community Impact—25% <br /> Program Management— 15% <br /> Financial Review— 10% <br /> NC Arts Council Priority of Funding — 10% <br /> Compliance score (prior grantees only) — 10% <br /> GRASSROOTS ARTS PROGRAM - SCHOOLS <br /> Artistic Merit—40% <br /> Integration in curriculum/enrichment—40% <br /> Free and Reduced Lunch Percentage — 20% <br /> ARTIST PROJECT GRANTS <br /> Artistic Merit—40% <br /> Community Impact— 30% <br /> Program Management—20% <br />