Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> the convenience center at this location. She said she also attended the Triangle Area Rural <br /> Planning Organization (TARPO) meeting, and that board decided to meet every other month in <br /> 2024. She said the NC-54 Corridor Project the Board saw at a recent meeting was adopted at the <br /> TARPO meeting. She said she also learned at that meeting there will be 39 electric vehicle <br /> charging stations in the four-county area and 10 of those will be privately owned. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton thanked Vice-Chair McKee for his comments on the events <br /> happening in the Middle East. She said through her work as a therapist, she knows that many are <br /> affected by what is going on there. She said she wishes everyone peace because violence won't <br /> help us develop as humans and as societies. She reminded everyone about the 9-8-8 Crisis Line <br /> for those feeling distressed. She said she attended an Alliance Health Board meeting and <br /> reported that Medicaid expansion is going to take place December 1, 2023. She said entities are <br /> working hard to be able to serve all those who will become eligible. She said the state has some <br /> funding for mental health services for those without insurance and that funding stream has not <br /> been cut. She said the state budget is looking to increase Medicaid reimbursement and payments <br /> to direct care workers to help support those providing mental health services. She said the <br /> Strategic Communications Committee met on October 6th and they are working to improve <br /> communication with county residents. On the same day, she also attended the Employee <br /> Appreciation Celebration and expressed her thanks to Orange County staff. She said she met <br /> with the executive director of the Central Pines Regional Council and learned more about that <br /> organization. Finally, she said she enjoyed attending the Peach Apartments groundbreaking, and <br /> said it is a great example of what can be done when government, non-profit organizations, and <br /> the private sector work together. <br /> The Board agreed to revisit Item 2-a to allow two members of the public to comment on <br /> matters not on the printed agenda. <br /> 4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/Special Presentations <br /> a. Orange County Arts Commission 2023-24 Annual Grant Recipients <br /> The Board acknowledged local artists and organization receiving 2023-24 Orange County Arts <br /> Grants <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> Orange County Annual Grants Cycle <br /> The Orange County Arts Commission (OCAC)administers two primary grant programs each year. <br /> The Grassroots Arts Program (GAP) utilizes state funding to provide support for nonprofit <br /> organizations and schools conducting arts programming. The Artist Project Grant (APG) utilizes <br /> County funding for artist-led community projects. <br /> For the second year, $45,000 (typically dispersed through the Outside Agencies Program) was <br /> allocated to the OCAC's annual Grassroots Arts Program to ensure arts agencies were applying <br /> for funding through a program specific to the arts following the best practices set forth by the North <br /> Carolina Arts Council. Of that $45,000, $15,289 was directly allocated to Kidzu and is managed <br /> by the Visitors Bureau, changing this year's available allocation to $29,711. <br /> For the first time this year, the OCAC elected to keep the allowed 50% of Grassroots Arts Program <br /> funding to partially support a new full-time Programs Coordinator, lowering the amount of GAP <br /> funds available for sub-granting by half. <br /> Statistics regarding this year's grant cycle are noted in the chart below. <br />