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2 <br /> If it's determined by the BOCC that consolidation of the Bradshaw Quarry and Ferguson <br /> Road Convenience Centers is justified with business criteria and it's critical to the success <br /> of the Solid Waste mission, then we ask that the BOCC provide concrete direction to the <br /> County Manager and Solid Waste staff as to selection criteria for the future site. The <br /> community asks that you provide the following direction: <br /> 1. That the Solid Waste Staff work in a collaborative and transparent manner with <br /> the Bingham Community to develop and assess criteria for a potential site. <br /> 2. That only Commercial or Industrial sites will be considered in order to be <br /> consistent with the siting of the Eubanks, Walnut Grove and High Rock sites. <br /> Sites in residential areas will be removed from consideration. <br /> 3. If no site is found that is acceptable to Solid Waste and the Bingham Township <br /> Community, we ask that you direct the County Manager and Solid Waste Staff <br /> to find a way to upgrade the current Ferguson Road and Bradshaw Quarry sites <br /> which, by the way, already meet the community's needs in their existing form. I <br /> understand this option was undertaken at High Rock when no acceptable <br /> replacement site was found and the upgrade plans were adjusted to fit into the <br /> existing High Rock site. <br /> Thank you for your consideration in this matter and I look forward to hearing your <br /> comments at the conclusion of the BOCC regular agenda later this evening." <br /> b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br /> (These matters will be considered when the Board addresses that item on the agenda below.) <br /> 3. Announcements, Petitions and Comments by Board Members <br /> Commissioner Fowler said she attended the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board meeting <br /> today and learned they received a clean financial audit. She said they have given out$1.1 million <br /> in distributions this past year to law enforcement, substance abuse prevention and education <br /> organizations, and the county. On Thursday she said she will attend the Orange Cooperative <br /> Extension Breakfast and Report to the People. <br /> Vice-Chair McKee read a statement expressing his concern for residents of Israel and <br /> Gaza following Hamas's terrorist attacks on Israel. He stated that he wanted to ask the Board to <br /> pass a Resolution in support of Israel but felt it would be words on paper without any real impact. <br /> Instead, he petitioned staff to reach out to community organizations, both governmental and <br /> private, to bring the Board information on how to actively participate in the rescue and repatriation <br /> of United States passport holders back to this country. <br /> Chair Bedford petitioned staff to find out what the water standards are for watersheds and <br /> any state limits on building along S 15-501 where Chapel Hill Town Council is considering a <br /> request to change the water/sewer boundary. She said she attended the Board of Health meeting <br /> a few weeks ago, as well as an equity subcommittee meeting. She said the subcommittee <br /> reminded her of a Health in All Policies framework, which she wants to share with fellow <br /> commissioners. She said there is also consideration of potential work on a policy recommendation <br /> to restrict tobacco, vape, hemp shops within a certain distance of schools and parks. She said <br /> she, Commissioner Portie-Ascott, Commissioner Hamilton, and Commissioner Richards attended <br /> the Peach Apartments groundbreaking this morning. She said there will be 10 apartments off <br /> Merritt Mill Rd. in Chapel Hill built by EmPOWERment using some of the 2016 bond funds. She <br /> said the apartments will have no mortgage and will be affordable at 30% and 60% AMI. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott said she toured the proposed site for the solid waste <br /> convenience center on Orange Grove Rd. with Commissioner Richards. She said they were <br /> invited to tour by the residents in that community and listened to the concerns they have about <br />