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17 <br /> of this request. She said it is a significant increase and thinks pay information should be gathered <br /> from comparable districts around the state, and an estimation of the cost in order to establish a <br /> basis for the increase. She said she wants to be clear about why the request has happened when <br /> asked rather than an arbitrary amount. She said she feels this needs to be part of the school <br /> system's budget request and cannot support this at this time. <br /> Chair Bedford said she fully supports an increase in compensation for Board of Education <br /> members, but agreed with others that this should be part of the CHCCS budget request and that <br /> additional information is needed to establish the amount of the increase. She suggested the <br /> school board set aside money for reimbursement for transporation, child care, and other costs <br /> relevant to service as needed. She said this could be an interim and even possibly a long-term <br /> option. She said she thinks it would be wise and transparent to wait for the budget season, but <br /> would also give the school board permission now to use their own funds. <br /> Vice-Chair McKee said he's uncomfortable not knowing the amounts other school boards <br /> are compensated across the state and not having had a deeper discussion. He reiterated that he <br /> would like to wait for the budget season. <br /> Commissioner Richards said utilizing fund balance is already an issue, so she is <br /> uncomfortable with telling CHCCS to take it out of their fund balance. She said there needs to be <br /> a work session at some point around fund balance. She said she believes representation is <br /> important also, and some assessment needs to be done to determine the appropriate level of <br /> compensation. She said she also supports the request being part of the budget process and <br /> getting more information. <br /> A motion was made by Vice-Chair McKee, seconded by Commissioner Fowler, to deny <br /> the request to increase the allocation for CHCCS Board of Educaton members at this time, and <br /> bring it back as part of the budget process with comparables and other assessments. <br /> Commissioner Fowler made a friendly amendment to clarify that the comparables should <br /> be local. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked if the Board of Education can do Chair Bedford's <br /> suggestion without the Board taking any action. <br /> Chair Bedford said they can do that at any time, and asked John Roberts to verify. <br /> John Roberts said that's correct. <br /> Commissioner Richards said Chair Bedford's suggestion could also provide an indication <br /> of the current need. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said she is in favor of Chair Bedford's idea but thinks there are other <br /> costs that this type of set-aside may not cover. She said she believes the current stipend should <br /> be at least doubled but agrees that having local numbers for comparison would be helpful to make <br /> the increase the most accurate. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 7. Reports <br /> None. <br /> 8. Consent Agenda <br /> • Removal of Any Items from Consent Agenda <br /> • Approval of Remaining Consent Agenda <br /> • Discussion and Approval of the Items Removed from the Consent Agenda <br /> A motion was made by Vice-Chair McKee, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton, to <br /> approve the consent agenda. <br />