Orange County NC Website
16 <br /> PUBLIC COMMENTS: <br /> Riza Jenkins, CHCCS Board of Education member, spoke about her own personal <br /> experience in support of the request to increase compensation for Board of Education members. <br /> She said the reality is that the work of the school board takes effort and time, as the <br /> commissioners are well aware from their service as well. She said it may seem that she does well <br /> for herself now, but that was not the case a few short years ago or thirteen years ago when her <br /> family first moved here. She said she declined to run for school board for years due to the time <br /> commitment she couldn't manage while also raising three children. She said the child care it would <br /> have required was a cost her family couldn't support, and getting to meetings on time and staying <br /> late just wasn't possible. She said even now that her children are older, she still has to take time <br /> off of work, ask friends or pay for transporation for her children,just to attend meetings. She said <br /> sometimes her son walks home after an evening practice, her daughters wait for thirty minutes or <br /> more outside of their dance class, and sometimes her kids are just unable to do some of the <br /> activities they want because they do not always have someone to take them and pick them up. <br /> She said the current stipend offsets some financial barriers, but it isn't enough compensation for <br /> the 800-1,000 hours spent per year doing the work of the school board. She said school board <br /> members must also take on the cost of ensuring their own personal safety. She said when she <br /> first attended an information session on becoming a school board member, the members at the <br /> time were two-parent households, high wage earner households, or retired or semi-retired <br /> individuals. She said she appreciates the contributions of all school board members past and <br /> present, but representation from the communities whose needs they are trying to meet matters. <br /> She said as the only solo parent on the board and a woman of color, she knows that <br /> representation matters and while she has the privilege of a college and advanced degrees to help <br /> her overcome many of her own personal struggles, many of the voices that should be at the table <br /> may or do not. She said she wants to see more diversity on the board of education and increasing <br /> the stipend isn't the only way, but it will help decrease the barriers for some community members. <br /> Following public comments, Vice-Chair McKee said he would like to discuss this topic at <br /> a joint meeting with the CHCCS Board of Education and then have the request come to the Board <br /> as part of the budget. He said he would also rather have any increase apply to both Boards of <br /> Education. <br /> Chair Bedford said there are two decision points if the Board chooses to act tonight. The <br /> first is to determine an amount for the increase and the second is to determine whether or not to <br /> use new funds. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked if the alternative to new funding is for the Board of <br /> Education use money already allocated for the increase, and in that case there would not be a <br /> requirement to give funds to OCS. She said she is concerned about the timing because once <br /> money is given, the next year this amount is in the continuation budget for CHCCS. She said this <br /> creates a false baseline since it's mid-year. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said she tried to find school board rates online. She said the time <br /> commitment may be less than as a Commissioner, but school board members probably receive <br /> even more emails and sometimes meet even later. She said she is willing to increase the stipend, <br /> and suggested increasing to $10,000 a year for board members, $11,250 for the Vice-Chair and <br /> $12,500 for the Chair. She said she is open to providing new funds, or having the school board <br /> find the money in their current fund balance. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott said she thinks that representation does matter and <br /> acknowledges that it is a lot of work to serve the community and wants people to be fairly <br /> compensated. She said she is in support of the school board using their fund balance for the <br /> increase now and to revisit this request as part of the budget cycle. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said, having served on the CHCCS school board, she <br /> understands the work required and supports a raise. She said she is concerned about the timing <br />