Minutes-10-10-2023-Joint Meeting with Fire Departments and Work Session
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes-10-10-2023-Joint Meeting with Fire Departments and Work Session
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Last modified
12/5/2023 4:39:04 PM
Creation date
12/5/2023 4:25:22 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda 10-10-2023; 1 - Length of Service Recognition List
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2023\Agenda - 10-10-2023 Joint Meeting with Chiefs' Association and Work Session
Agenda 10-10-2023; 10 - Orange County Parks and Recreation Council – Appointment Discussion
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2023\Agenda - 10-10-2023 Joint Meeting with Chiefs' Association and Work Session
Agenda 10-10-2023; 11 - Orange Unified Transportation Board – Appointments Discussion
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2023\Agenda - 10-10-2023 Joint Meeting with Chiefs' Association and Work Session
Agenda 10-10-2023; 5 - Discussion on the County’s Participation in Mayors, Managers, Chair (MMC) Meetings
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2023\Agenda - 10-10-2023 Joint Meeting with Chiefs' Association and Work Session
Agenda 10-10-2023; 6 - Greene Tract Community Engagement Proposal
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2023\Agenda - 10-10-2023 Joint Meeting with Chiefs' Association and Work Session
Agenda 10-10-2023; 7 - Affordable Housing Advisory Board – Appointment Discussion
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2023\Agenda - 10-10-2023 Joint Meeting with Chiefs' Association and Work Session
Agenda 10-10-2023; 8 - Animal Services Advisory Board – Appointment Discussion
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2023\Agenda - 10-10-2023 Joint Meeting with Chiefs' Association and Work Session
Agenda 10-10-2023; 9 - Chapel Hill Library Advisory Board – Appointment Discussion
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2023\Agenda - 10-10-2023 Joint Meeting with Chiefs' Association and Work Session
Agenda for October 10, 2023 Joint Meeting with Chiefs’ Association and Regular Work Session
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2023\Agenda - 10-10-2023 Joint Meeting with Chiefs' Association and Work Session
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35 <br /> already have the information from the community. She said they need affordable housing input. <br /> She said she agrees to go with a smaller amount of money and to go faster. She said that she <br /> wants engagement but feels that everyone should be invited. She said the consultant should <br /> spend more time with the elected officials. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott wanted to know if the Board would see a completed service <br /> agreement before it is finalized. <br /> Travis Myren said yes. <br /> Chair Bedford said this is the time to give input. <br /> Cy Stober asked for clarification because they are using their professional services <br /> contract. He said that it relies on timelines. He said that the intention would be that the scope of <br /> services are attached to the contract. <br /> Travis Myren said that is the information that she is looking for. <br /> Vice-Chair McKee said that the community he was most interested in hearing from were <br /> the people living within a one-mile radius of the project, particularly to the west and north. He <br /> asked for a meeting with the owners to discuss what they envision this to be because he is unsure <br /> and very leery of this. <br /> Chair Bedford asked if they could add joint meetings with the consultant and that the <br /> government owners would be there and the public would be invited. <br /> Commissioner Richards said she thought that the consultant would need to go back to the <br /> drawing board on the proposal. <br /> Travis Myren said staff would go back to the consultant and ask them to take the elements <br /> out to get to $270,000 and the focus groups. He said that would be another cost reduction. He <br /> said they can add a scope element that at the end of the community engagement process, the <br /> consultant will work with the boards to develop consensus based on the feedback. He said that <br /> would come at a cost but maybe it would be a wash. He said that it would likely not be back at <br /> the next meeting, but they would get it back as soon as they can. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said there is a public survey involved. She asked if that would be <br /> helpful. <br /> Travis Myren said that they could ask for a quote from the consultants without the survey. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said she thought there was survey fatigue in Orange County. <br /> Vice-Chair McKee asked for an explanation of the vision launch, vision alignment, and <br /> design alignment. <br /> Cy Stober said he thought workshops 1 and 2 could be combined into one workshop for <br /> launch and alignment. He said that they are not reigniting the Rogers Road community and they <br /> already have the feedback. He said that the vision launch could be removed because it has <br /> already been done. He said if they are consolidated and the prior studies used, then this could be <br /> done in one workshop by the consultant. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she thought there was interest in a small retail area there. <br /> She said that the Chapel Hill economic development officer had done a market study and said <br /> that there is not enough density to create a demand for a small corner store. She asked when <br /> that would come in. <br /> Cy Stober said that is a great question. He said that there is a need for a new analysis. <br /> He said if this is going to be largely staff managed, and the housing partners consulted, he is <br /> happy to ask the Town of Chapel Hill to revisit the study. <br /> Commissioner Richards said that things have been built there and that might change the <br /> outcome of a new study. <br />
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