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34 <br /> Vice-Chair McKee said he doesn't question staff's commitment and dedication to the <br /> project. He asked what will happen if the input they get with this extensive amount of community <br /> dialogue does not align with what is already in place. <br /> Commissioner Richards said if the intention is to build upon the work that is already done <br /> and to provide a more detailed project then it should be stated clearly. She said she would like to <br /> see it specified that they are building on Mapping Our Community Future and prior work that was <br /> previously agreed to. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said that this is just for community engagement, and there is a <br /> separate contract for design services. <br /> Cy Stober said that is correct. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked who decides who the community advisory group members <br /> are. <br /> Travis Myren said it would be up to the partners to determine the composition of the group. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said that it would come back to the Board. <br /> Chair Bedford said that would add six more months. <br /> Travis Myren said it would add time, but it would have to come back to the Board. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said she was leaning towards the lower cost option and is also <br /> interested in figuring out the configuration of the community members. <br /> Chair Bedford said the group could be removed and they could do it in a traditional way. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said there was a need for community outreach and input now, <br /> since the needs of the community can change. She said she had concerns about the community <br /> advisory group, if that group would give the feedback that they are looking for. She said that in <br /> the agreement they discussed placing a school and recreational facilities, which is no longer best <br /> practice for school safety. <br /> Cy Stober said that the ingress and egress points are a major point of consideration and <br /> with the floodplain presence, and trying to be efficient on cost it is a big challenge with the school <br /> site design. He said that there are fire safety issues as well. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said having a lot of public activity close to schools is not <br /> something they want to do in these times. She said since it is the Board that will be making the <br /> decision on this, they need to be kept in the loop. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked if they are saying that the design process might have a <br /> different location for the school than where it is now. <br /> Cy Stober said no. He said there are logistical challenges with access for the location, but <br /> they are in negotiations with a firm that has experience in school design. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked if they are looking for a specific design that addresses the <br /> challenges. <br /> Cy Stober said they need the school system's input, but they would design the access <br /> roads and further detail. <br /> Commissioner Greene said the schools have said they would not need the schools at this <br /> time. <br /> Chair Bedford said it might be 100 years before a school is needed in this area because <br /> they are addressing the schools now. <br /> Commissioner Greene said that Chapel Hill said they are not starting over with this <br /> community engagement proposal. She said the affordable housing community did not provide <br /> input to the Mapping our Community and it is important to know what their vision is. She said she <br /> thinks there are a number of things to keep them safe from Vice-Chair McKee's fears. She said <br /> she does not think the compass group is needed and she would support an occasional Assembly <br /> of Governments meeting to discuss the issue. <br /> Chair Bedford said a stakeholder group is a power imbalance. She would like to hear from <br /> the public but that she is looking for input, not a mission statement and charge. She said that they <br /> would expect that the elected bodies would be taking recommendations from the group when they <br />