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32 <br /> Slide #19 <br /> Greene Tract Community Stakeholders <br /> Community Advisory Groupl Greene Tract Community Stakeholders GTCS) Group <br /> We see the GTCS as a foundational pillar of our outreach work.TheTeam will work with the <br /> established GTCS as a sounding board throughout the project,providing feedback to the <br /> engagement team on how best to connect,collect input,and establish and maintain trust in the <br /> community.Our goal is to work with the public through this advisory group to ensure that <br /> public concerns and aspirations are consistently understood and considered in a proactive and <br /> authentic man ner.The GTCS will not only be used to share feedback and findings from the <br /> community engagement exercises,but to workshop the best communication and engagement <br /> approaches to gather feedback from a diverse array of community members and partners.The <br /> group should ideally be between 12-16 participants and expect to meet close to monthly(10) <br /> with the Team over the course of the project-The team will host both in person and virtual <br /> formats over the course of the efforts. <br /> p <br /> 19 NCDIORA "H cn NGE UNA } <br /> Commissioner Richards asked if all three parties agreed to the Mapping Our Community <br /> Future report. <br /> Travis Myren said it was shared but there was not a vote taken to approve or accept it. <br /> Commissioner Richards said she is concerned about it not being referenced. She said it <br /> seems that they are starting all over in terms of what the community wants. She said they are <br /> now expanding this to a group of people that creates a power imbalance. She said that she is <br /> concerned about who those people are. She said they have been studying this for a long time <br /> and they have done the Mapping Our Communities Future and the people that live there told them <br /> their wishes. She asked if the new group would make a recommendation. <br /> Travis Myren said it is not envisioned that the stakeholder group would create <br /> recommendations. <br /> Cy Stober said no and that the purpose of the community engagement consultant is to <br /> represent the community input to the design team. He said they would make sure that the intensity <br /> and density of development reflect the wishes of the community. He said the process is that the <br /> steering committee would direct the process. <br /> Commissioner Richards said that the community has already said what they want in the <br /> Mapping Our Community Future study. She said that in the community engagement for the <br /> strategic plan there was low participation in community meetings. She asked what the specific <br /> plan is to get real engagement. She said one of the meetings was at Rogers Road and she would <br /> like to know what they will do to increase participation. She said that Chapel Hill referenced the <br /> $360,000 cost of the plan and asked if the Council supported the amount. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said she wanted to understand what we are asking the consultant <br /> to produce. <br /> Cy Stober said Mapping Our Community Future is 8 or 9 years old. He said that the <br /> intention is for the intentions of the RENA community, especially now that the county owns the <br /> Headwaters Preserve, is reflected here. He said that the Mapping Our Community Future is not <br /> helpful as a planning tool. He said that the community engagement consultant would assist the <br /> design team to focus solely on design and land development. He said the community engagement <br />