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19 <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked what happens if the other members of the MMC do not <br /> want to make the meetings public. <br /> Chair Bedford said that then the county would not participate. She said they will try to <br /> work together but what elected official is going to say they do not want the public to be involved. <br /> She said that public comment would not be invited but it would be open. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked if the facilitator could do the minutes and use the recording <br /> to do that. <br /> Chair Bedford said those minutes were not like the minutes they prefer and that they were <br /> very general. <br /> Commissioner Greene said they were facilitator minutes and not minutes for the public <br /> record. <br /> Vice-Chair McKee said he did not think the county would want to do anything that wasn't <br /> completely transparent, and that the Greene Tract was enough for the MMC to handle without <br /> other topics. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said that anything that involves the Greene Tract has to have <br /> agreement from all three parties. <br /> Chair Bedford said the benefit of the MMC is that work has happened. She said they have <br /> helped progress the Greene Tract along. She said there is a benefit to having elected officials <br /> together to talk about various topics. <br /> 6. Greene Tract Community Engagement Proposal <br /> The Board received a historical perspective on engagement activities related to the <br /> development of the Greene Tract and discussed a new community engagement proposal to <br /> inform the site design process. <br /> BACKGROUND: The Greene Tract is located east of the Rogers Road community within the <br /> Town of Chapel Hill's extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ). Of the 164-acre parcel, 104 acres is jointly <br /> owned by Orange County/Chapel Hill/Carrboro, and 60 acres is owned by Orange County <br /> (Headwaters Preserve). Over the last 20+ years, the three jurisdictions have invested significant <br /> resources to identify and support the goals for the Greene Tract as a resource for the Rogers <br /> Road community and the residents of the two towns and Orange County, all of which can be <br /> found on the County's dedicated Greene Tract project page and dynamic StoryMap, but featuring the <br /> following: <br /> - In 2006, the Town of Chapel Hill initiated and led a Rogers Road Small Area Plan Task <br /> Force with the Greene Tract partners, resulting in a final report in March 2009; <br /> - In 2012, the Historic Rogers Road Neighborhood Task Force led its own small area <br /> planning efforts, resulting in a final report in September 2013; <br /> - In July 2015, the Jackson Center co-led the Mapping Our Community's Future Report with <br /> the Historic Rogers Road Community, which was completed in May 2016; <br /> - In June 2016, Orange County purchased 60 acres for preservation from the Solid Waste <br /> Enterprise Fund ("Headwaters Preserve"); <br /> - At the 2016 Assembly of Governments (AOG) Meeting, a suggestion was raised to ask <br /> the elected officials of the three jurisdictions to participate in discussions on the Greene <br /> Tract; <br /> - In 2017, staff examined a potential reconfiguration of the jointly-owned tract and the <br /> County-owned tract for the purposes of environmental preservation, potential affordable <br /> housing development, and a possible school site; <br />