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18 <br /> Commissioner Fowler summarized the meeting discussion up to this point so that <br /> Commissioner Greene could be brought to speed. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she doesn't think the group should exist at all. She said that <br /> if it does exist at all, it should only be for the Greene Tract only. She said that the MMC had a <br /> conversation about the Partnership to End Homelessness when there are already four elected <br /> officials on that Board. She said that the conversation should have been brought to that group. <br /> She said she liked the fact that many years ago, the Assembly of Governments used to meet <br /> quarterly. She said she might be open to the MMC continuing if it is only for the Greene Tract <br /> and if it is open to the public and recorded. <br /> Commissioner Richards said she asked earlier about the need for the opportunity to talk <br /> about items in meetings of all of the elected boards. She said she wondered if meeting more than <br /> once per year would be more helpful. She said that she was unaware that the Assembly of <br /> Governments used to meet quarterly. <br /> Commissioner Greene said that the idea of a housing collaborative was brought up during <br /> an Assembly of Governments meeting. <br /> Chair Bedford said the Solid Waste Advisory Group is also a group of elected officials that <br /> meet. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked why it changed from 4 times a year to 1 time a year. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said when she came it was only twice a year. She said that she thinks <br /> it changed because there were some personalities that were affecting it and sometimes people <br /> were not showing up. She said that it depends on who is in leadership and if they want to do that <br /> or not. <br /> Vice-Chair McKee arrived at 8:30 p.m. <br /> Chair Bedford said she heard consensus that the MMC should only meet regarding the <br /> Greene Tract. She said that initially she was opposed to recording the meeting, but she has <br /> changed her mind. She said that it is a risk of going around the board and the public does not <br /> have full access. She asked if there was any downside to making the meetings open. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said no. <br /> Chair Bedford said she did not think so either because the public is entitled to know and <br /> that members of the MMC have different opinions. <br /> Commissioner Greene said that if the rationale for the MMC was because the Assembly <br /> of Governments were too unwieldy then it makes sense that it would be a public meeting because <br /> it is a stand-in for the Assembly of Governments. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said if it was related to a closed session topic then it would not <br /> be open to the public but if not, there is no reason not to have it open. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked if it would be public so people could hear but that no <br /> decisions would be made. <br /> Chair Bedford said yes and that no decisions would be made. <br /> Commissioner Greene asked if it would be recorded. <br /> Chair Bedford said it could be, but it does not have to be. She said if it is a public meeting <br /> then they have to have minutes but not a recording. <br /> Commissioner Greene said if it is going to be public then it is easy enough to put a <br /> recording machine in there. She said if she cannot be there, she would like to hear everything <br /> that was said. <br /> Chair Bedford said that if there is a recording then they could get that to the Clerk <br /> separately from the facilitators for creating minutes. <br /> Laura Jensen said the transcriptionist could be asked if they would be open to doing that <br /> and if so, a contract amendment would be required. <br />