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17 <br /> was brought up to the MMC group and it was a very quick no on the recording. She said that she <br /> thought it was interesting because the facilitator was recording the meetings just to keep track of <br /> notes and they told her she could no longer do that. She said that led to her needing to hire an <br /> assistant to come with her so she could keep track of the notes and discussion. She said that <br /> they were concerned they would be limited in what they could say if it was being recorded. <br /> Chair Bedford said she was one that had concerns about recording the meetings because <br /> of liabilities. She said she says what she is going to say but other people might not. <br /> John Roberts said that the MMC does not meet all of the statutory criteria for the open <br /> meetings laws to apply. He said the more formal the body becomes and the more responsibility <br /> they take on, then there becomes a stronger argument that it is a public body, and all three <br /> jurisdictions could get a slap on the wrist if it is not open to the public. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said the fact that it is not being recorded and there are <br /> reservations about recording it, makes her wonder what the group is doing. She said if they are <br /> doing the work of the public, it should be open. <br /> Chair Bedford said that if the MMC meetings are limited to discussion about the Greene <br /> Tract then it should be open to the public. She said that just because it is open to the public does <br /> not mean that public comment must be accepted. <br /> John Roberts said that the first criteria for a meeting being subject to the open meetings <br /> law is that it has to be elected or appointed. He said that since this group was not created by <br /> anyone, it does not meet the criteria. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked if the interlocal agreement was the creation of this body. <br /> John Roberts said he does not think so because it only assigns certain items to be <br /> discussed and all agreements do that. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott said that transparency is important. She said she is not in <br /> favor of the meetings continuing unless they are open to the public and recorded. <br /> Chair Bedford said that the MMC was specifically cited in the interlocal agreement for the <br /> Greene Tract, and it was voted on by all boards. <br /> John Roberts said that he does not think that creates a public body. He said that assigns <br /> the negotiation of certain aspects of that agreement but did not mandate meetings or set meeting <br /> schedules. He said that it is not a task force in his reading. <br /> Chair Bedford said she read a blog post from the School of Government about functions <br /> that governmental groups might partake in that would make them susceptible to the public <br /> meeting statutes. She said that if the group is deliberating, or hearing presentations, it gets to a <br /> point where they should be careful. She asked what administrative means in this case. <br /> John Roberts said it would be assigning people to do certain tasks and that the county <br /> does not have an administrative board. <br /> Chair Bedford said a member of the public was concerned about the advisory piece. <br /> John Roberts said the MMC certainly provides advice to their Boards. He said while there <br /> is no case law, he said there was a blog post from the School of Government about this exact <br /> type of scenario. He said the author's opinion is that it is not an advisory board. He said however, <br /> that when members are assigned responsibilities, the argument becomes stronger that they are <br /> a public body. He said the safest course is to make these meetings open to the public. <br /> Chair Bedford said she has learned not to make decisions with information the first time it <br /> has been presented. <br /> Commissioner Greene arrived at 8:23 p.m. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked if the MMC should even be making decisions. <br /> Chair Bedford said they were not technically making a final decision, but they were <br /> deciding what would be brought back to the respective boards for their final decision making. <br />