Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, we, the Orange County Board of Commissioners, do hereby proclaim <br /> October 1-7, 2023, as National 4-H Week in Orange County, and urge the people of this County <br /> to take advantage of the opportunity to become more aware of this research-based program that <br /> enhances our young people's interests in their futures as part of Orange County 4-H Youth <br /> Development and to join us in recognizing this unique partnership between our County and the <br /> University of North Carolina System. <br /> Adopted this 3Id day of October, 2023. <br /> Jamezetta Bedford, Chair <br /> Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Fowler, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton to <br /> approve this proclamation. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Vice-Chair McKee said he remembers his experience as a 4-H member and shared the <br /> impact it had on his life. He said he would not be surprised to see all the members present tonight <br /> in his seat or in other seats of influence in the future. <br /> b. National Register Recommendation for Ridge Road School <br /> The Board endorsed the Historic Preservation Commission's recommendation to ask the State <br /> Historic Preservation Office to list Ridge Road School in the National Register of Historic Places. <br /> BACKGROUND: The historic Ridge Road School is being nominated to the National Register <br /> for its significance as one of the best-preserved historic two-room Black schoolhouses in Orange <br /> County, built in the 1930s and used until the 1950s. The federal process for listing a property in <br /> the National Register of Historic Places includes a provision giving the BOCC the opportunity to <br /> offer a recommendation for or against the listing of historic properties within its jurisdiction. The <br /> HPC fully supports the nomination of the Ridge Road School to the National Register.As required, <br /> the HPC held a public hearing and received public comment regarding this proposed National <br /> Register listing at its regular meeting on September 27, 2023. The HPC subsequently <br /> recommended the proposed designation for approval (Attachment 3). <br /> DEAPR contracted with a consultant to prepare this National Register Report to promote this <br /> official recognition for properties of special historical, architectural or cultural significance to <br /> Orange County. This is an ongoing HPC program to protect and preserve historic resources. <br /> Funding was provided through the County's Lands Legacy Program, which includes as one of its <br /> priorities the protection of"lands of historic, cultural, or archaeological significance." <br /> The National Register is an honorary designation that carries no local regulatory burden, but does <br /> provide a federal and state process for protection in the case of projects receiving federal or state <br /> funding, or projects that require some form of federal or state permit or license. <br /> The attached National Register report provides a detailed architectural description, followed by a <br /> statement of the school's significance and historical context about Black schools in Orange <br /> County, along with a detailed history of the school (Attachment 1). <br />