Orange County NC Website
17 <br /> further to do with it and it became a non-profit. He said that in 2015 there was a shutdown looming. <br /> He said that he walked into Barry Jacobs' office, and he started as the interim director with a <br /> deferred salary. He said he started with their financials and because they were behind, the non- <br /> profit was dissolved. He said that when Orange County filed,they filed with the wrong box checked <br /> and there was no way they could get reinstated for non-profit. He said that they started a new <br /> entity in January 2018 and started the process to become their own non-profit. He said that with <br /> research, they determined that the IRS was not providing that status for businesses like this. He <br /> said that they operate as a non-profit, with no owners, but that is what they were told is ok. He <br /> said they are a NC non-profit but file federal taxes as a C-Corporation. He said they are still unsure <br /> about their relationship with Orange County, and they need to figure that out. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked if it would be possible to coordinate with Durham Tech on <br /> culinary classes. <br /> Sue Ellsworth said it would be hard with the way the kitchens are set up and because of <br /> the regulations. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she is trying to understand the non-profit issue. She said they <br /> board operates like a non-profit, but they are not filing as a 501 c(3). She asked if they are not a <br /> non-profit because they recognize that the groups they are helping do not fall into the category <br /> for non-profit. <br /> Eric Hallman said yes. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott said that 80-85 businesses have used the facility this year <br /> and asked how the number has changed over the last 3-5 years. <br /> Eric Hallman said they have 60 current clients at a time and that demand has not <br /> decreased. <br /> Commissioner Richards said if any board members haven't gone, they should go. She <br /> said she applauds the creativity, the work, and the encouragement for small businesses. She said <br /> she is very supportive. She said that if there are things the Board is uncomfortable with, they <br /> should be direct about addressing those things, but she believes this is an asset for Orange <br /> County and wants to figure out how best to support it. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said she has not been to the facility yet. She said that reading <br /> through the information and understanding the history, the amount of subsidy that Orange County <br /> is giving, she has to ask herself what other uses could benefit from the use of the money. She <br /> said it is not clear to her what the alternatives are or the direct benefits to the residents of Orange <br /> County. She said she feels this is something where she would like more time to see the benefit <br /> of having this facility. She said she is in favor of a shorter agreement while doing the work to reach <br /> an agreement for a longer term. <br /> Chair Bedford said BOCC provides capital support for only two outside agencies. She said <br /> the other is a program that serves disabled adults. She said this kitchen serves for-profit <br /> businesses. She said that she is concerned about duplication of services. She said that there is <br /> a need for additional financial analysis. She said she is not in favor of selling this. She said there <br /> should be support and the employees should be paid properly. She said that this feels like deja <br /> vu from two years ago. She said that this contract saves this program from a runaway board. She <br /> said it is really important that they need to consider restructuring. She said that 7 or 8 farmers are <br /> using the facility. She said that she has requested the full financials, and they can understand the <br /> operations themselves. She said they should require the sharing of minutes. She said that she <br /> questions why Orange County taxpayers should subsidize for-profit businesses in general, but <br /> especially those that are from outside of Orange County. She said she wants to extend the <br /> contract for one year and task the Manager to create a list of the items. She read a list that will be <br /> provided to the manager of things she would like to know. She said a consultant may need to be <br /> brought in. She said she needs a full financial analysis with market rents, maintenance costs, and <br /> long-term future. She said this needs to bring in the overall economic benefits and costs to the <br /> county and the region. She said she would like to know what the farmers need and would like a <br />