Orange County NC Website
z <br /> AGREEMENT BETWEEN <br /> COUNTY OF ORANGE <br /> AND <br /> BECKY BUTLER <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> This agreement made and entered Into the 1 at day Of Jul. 200a beMresn the County Of <br /> Orange, for it's County Commissioners Office, hereinafter retained to as County', and Becky <br /> Butler hereinafter referred to as"Contractor} for the preparation of minutes for meetings of the <br /> Orange County Commissioners and the Orange County Planning Department <br /> Terms Mam amens <br /> The Agreement shall commence an July 1, 2002 and shall continue through June W <br /> 2000. <br /> County Responsibilities: <br /> 1. County will provide cassette tapes and notes of County Commissioner meetings for <br /> which minutes are b be prepared to Contractor within one day following meeting. <br /> 2. County viii pay invoice for services within 15 days of receipt. <br /> Contractor Responsibilities'. <br /> 1. Contractor will submit draft minutes of meetings to the Clerk to Me Board of COOmy <br /> Commissioners or the Planning Director within twelve days of meeting date. <br /> 2. Minutes will be prepared using MSWOm, in a version that shell be compatible with that <br /> currently being used by County. Minutes shall be submitted on disk or electronically to <br /> DBaken@co orahoe (for Commissioner minutes)or to <br /> CdeneC'cti orange no us(for Planning Department minutes). <br /> 3. Contractor shall Invoice County for$70 per recorded hour of tape upon completion of <br /> draft minutes for the period July 1, 2002 through June 30.2003 and$75 per recorded <br /> hour of tape for the pi July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004. Invoices for Commissioner <br /> minutes shell be sent to Clerk to the Board and Invoices for Planning Department <br /> minutes shall be sent to the Planning Director at P.O. Box 8181, Hillsborough North <br /> Carolina2p98. County will make Payment within 15 days from receipt of Invoice from <br /> Contractor. <br /> Independent Contractor <br /> The contractor is en independent contractor and not an employee as defined in <br /> N.C.G.S. Section 91 The contraMrwill therefore not be covered by workers <br /> compensaton Insurance provided to County employees by Orange County. The contractor <br /> understands that she is an independent contractor and agrees that no workers compensation <br /> insurance coverage is pmvitled through this agreement <br /> Termination <br /> Either party may terminate this agreement upon 30 days written notice to the other <br /> party <br /> Notice <br /> Notice is deemed to have been properly given when written notice is mailed or hand- <br /> delivered to: <br />