<br />Thence S .39° 39' 39.13" W 50.139m to a concrete monument set with aluminum disk (#10) East
<br />of Poythress Road (SR 1939) having a coordinate value of N 2.34,515,920m E 598,631.532m,
<br />said point being designated as NCGS station County Line 10, PID AB2062.
<br />Thence N 84° 54' 4126" W 246 205m to Existing Rebar in a concrete post (#11) the Southeast
<br />corner of lot 5, Section 2, Wolf's Pond Subdivision, (Plat Boole 19 Page 149 OCR) having a
<br />coordinate value of N 234,537.756m E 598,386.297m, said point being designated as County
<br />Line 11. Thence N 84° 31' .30 43" W 690.729m to Feno Monument set with brass disk replacing
<br />an existing iron pipe (#12) the Southwest corner of Lot 5, Section 4, Wolfs Pond Subdivision,
<br />(Plat Book 22 Page 59 OCR) having a coordinate value of 'N 234,603.658m E 597,698.719m
<br />said point being designated as County Line 12. Thence N 0.3° 32' 14.02" W 60.959m to a Feno
<br />Monument set with brass disk (#13) in the line of said Lot 5 having a coordinate value of N
<br />234,664,501m E 597,694.958m said point being designated as County Line 13.
<br />Thence N 8.3° 16' 04.99" W 2422,591m to a concrete monument set with aluminum disk (#14)
<br />South of Jones Ferry Road (SR 1942) having a coordinate value of N 234,948.488m E
<br />595,289.070m, said point being designated as NCGS station County Line 14, PID AB2063.
<br />Thence N 8.3° 15' 33.17" W 2231.659m to a concrete monument set with aluminum disk (#15)
<br />to a point in the Walter Braxton Durham Et Al property (Orange County PIN 9747-62-6596)
<br />having a coordinate value of N 235,210.435m E 593,072.838m, said point being designated as
<br />County Line 15. Thence N 82° 55'46.72" W 1587.051m to a concrete monument set with
<br />aluminum disk (#16) East of White Cross Road (SR 1951) having a coordinate value of N
<br />235,405.782m E 591,497.855m, said point being designated as NCGS station County Line 16,
<br />PID AB2064. Thence N 82° 53' 40.81" W 1668.976m to a Feno monument set with brass disk
<br />(#17) in the Walter Atwater property (Orange PIN 9737-43-8522) having a coordinate value of
<br />N 235,612.224m E 589,841.696m, said point being designated as County Line 17. Thence N 00°
<br />03'37.30"W 169913m to a Feno monument set with brass disk (#18) in the said Walter
<br />Atwater property having a coordinate value of N 235,782,137m E 589,841,875m, said point
<br />being designated as County Line 18. Thence N 84° 25' 40.82" W 246.394m crossing Collins Mt.
<br />Road (SR 1954) to a Feno monument set with brass disk (#19) in the said Walter Atwater
<br />property having a coordinate value of N 235,806.061m E 589,596.645m, said point being
<br />designated as County Line 19. Thence S 12° 42' 08.03" W 161.90.3m to a Feno monument set
<br />with brass disk (#20) in the said Walter Atwater property having a coordinate value of N
<br />235,648.120m E 589,561.045m, said point being designated as County Line 20. Thence N 8.3°
<br />04' 0512" W 1544.721m to a concrete monument set with aluminum disk (#21) East of
<br />Crawford Dairy Road (SR 1956) having a coordinate value of N 235,834.552m E
<br />588,027.615m, said point being designated as NCGS station County Line 21, PID A132066,
<br />Thence N 82° 29' 19.27" W 967.680m to a computed point in the Haw River (#22) having a
<br />coordinate value of N 2.35,961.049m E 587,068.239m, said point being designated as NCGS
<br />station County Line 22, PID AB2077. Also being the ending point, the Southwest corner of
<br />Orange County, the Northern boundary line of Chatham County and in the East line of Alamance
<br />County.
<br />*Enclosed modification [ ] to be field surveyed such that there will be monuments installed,
<br />distances converted to meter units, less/excepts and "more or less" removed.
<br />All coordinates and beatings are based on the North American Datum of 1983/86. All
<br />coordinates and distances are in meter units.