<br />Title: An Act to Establish the Boundary Line Between Chatham and Orange Counties.
<br />The common dividing line between Chatham County, North Carolina and
<br />Orange County, North Carolina, shall be as follows:
<br />2
<br />Beginning at an existing point the Southeast corner of Orange County and the Southwest corner
<br />of Durham County said point being in the Northern line of Chathan county said point being a
<br />concrete post with a copper disk, stamped "CO. LINE, DURHAM CO., NO. 1 1968, ORANGE
<br />CO. MONUMENT", having a coordinate value ofN 234,423.870 meters (m) E 608,128.788
<br />meters, (m) as designated to be the corner of Durham and Orange Counties, and the northern line
<br />of Chatham County, by the courts of North Carolina. Thence S 86° 56' 43.24" W 925.452
<br />meters (m) to a concrete monument set with aluminum disk (93) East of Mt Carmel Church Road
<br />(SR 1008) having a coordinate value of N 234,374.554m E 607,204.651m, said point being
<br />designated as NCGS station, County Line 3, PID AB2055. Thence S 87° 40' 19,44" W
<br />1,690.615m to a concrete monument set with aluminum disk (#4) East of Clearwater Lake Drive
<br />(SR 1913) having a coordinate value of N 234,305.883m E 605,515,4.31m, said point being
<br />designated as NCGS station, County Line 4, PID AB2056, [less and except a distance of 306.30
<br />feet, more or less, returning line to a point in the East line of Mitchell Renkow et ux, being
<br />Lot 2 of Clearwater Hills as described in Plat Book 25 Page 151, Orange County Registry.
<br />Thence S 05 degrees 49 minutes W 342.22 feet, more or less, to the southeast corner of
<br />Brooke R Johnson Jr et ux, being Lot 1 of Coffey & Walker as described in Plat Book 27
<br />Page 156, Orange County Registry. Thence N 86 degrees 56 minutes W 300 feet. Thence N
<br />33 degrees 46 minutes 18 seconds W 246.59 feet. Thence N 33 degrees 46 minutes 18
<br />seconds W 60 feet, more or less, to a point in the line of Bruno A Niemitz et us, being Lot 4
<br />of Clearwater Hills Revised as described in Plat Book 26 Page 172, Orange County
<br />Registry. Thence S 59 degrees 56 minutes W 303 feet, more or less. Thence S 83 degrees W
<br />65 feet. Thence N 07 degrees 50 minutes E 374 feet.]* Thence S 87° 19' 01,23" W
<br />1,763.003m to a concrete monument set with aluminum disk (#5) East of Old Lystra Road (SR
<br />1915) having a coordinate value of N 234,223.357m E 603,754.361m, said point being
<br />designated as NCGS station, County Line 5, PID AB2057, [less and except a distance of 481
<br />feet, more or less, representing the distance from NCGS station 4 on the East side of
<br />Clearwater Lake Road and the North West corner of Niemitz et ux being Lot 4 of
<br />Clearwater Hills Revised, Plat Book 26 Page 172, Orange County Registry.]* Thence S 87°
<br />33' 27.40" W 1,563.940m to an aluminum Disk set (#6) in the East end of a asphalt traffic
<br />island at the intersection of Smith Level Road (SR1919) with US 15-501 having a coordinate
<br />value of N 234,156.710m E 602,191.842m, said point being designated as NCGS station
<br />County Line 6, PIT) AB2058. Thence S 87° 47' 41,52" W .37347m to a concrete monument set
<br />with aluminum disk (0) West of Smith Level Road (SR 1919) having a coordinate value of N
<br />234,155.273m E 602,154.523m, said point being designated as NCGS station County Line 7,
<br />PID AB2059.
<br />Thence N 83° 36' 42.54" W 2299.666m to a Berntsen Aluminum monument set with brass disk
<br />(#8) in the Margaret Daniel Property (Orange County PIN 977-99-1332 having a coordinate
<br />value of N 234,411.14.3m E^ 599,869.136 said point being designated as County Line 8.
<br />Thence N ° 83' 13' 04.69" W 1214.099m to a concrete monument set with aluminum disk (#9)
<br />East of Poythress Road (SR 1939) having a coordinate value of N 234,554 519m E
<br />598,, said point being designated as NCGS station County Line 9, PID AB2061.