Orange County NC Website
DRAFT <br />EXHIBIT A <br />[Date] <br />A BILL TO BE ENTITLED <br />AN ACT TO PROVIDE COUNTIES WITH TRANSITION FLEXIBILITY <br />IN IMPLEMENTING THE PLAN OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY FOR <br />MENTAL HEALTH SYSTEM REFORM, SESSION LAWS 2001-437. <br />The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts: <br />SECTION 1. G.S. § 1220-115(a) is amended to read as <br />rewritten: <br />(a) A county shall provide mental health, developmental <br />disabilities, and substance abuse services through an area <br />authority or through a county program established pursuant to <br />G.S. 122C-115.1. To the extent this section conflicts with G.S. <br />153A-77(a), the provisions of G.S. 153A-77(a) control. If a <br />county that is a member of an area authority determines to <br />provide its services through a county program or through a <br />multi-county program it may, for a reasonable period of time, <br />simultaneously participate in a county program or a multi-count <br />program while remaining a participating member of the area <br />authority. <br />SECTION 2. This act is effective upon ratification. <br />2 <br />1sg:orangecounty\122C-115 amendment. doc