PRC Agenda 12062023
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Parks and Recreation Council
PRC Agenda 12062023
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11/29/2023 4:38:45 PM
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11/29/2023 4:38:35 PM
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b. November/December Parks Tour Planning: Abby Mattingly shared the results from the <br /> survey sent out to the council for dates of a potential parks tour. It was determined that <br /> November 9t" or December 6t" were the most popular dates selected.The council <br /> seemed to be partial towards December 6t", as it is prior to a scheduled PRC meeting. <br /> Stancil informed the body that prioritization would be necessary due to time, and not <br /> every park would be able to be on the tour. A more detailed plan and agenda would be <br /> drafted. <br /> Report of the Director: <br /> a. Project/Program Updates: Stancil invited the council to attend the upcoming fall hikes. <br /> He shared that there is a proposed new development that will construct a new indoor <br /> tennis center, pickleball courts, and about 8 softball/baseball fields, as well as an indoor <br /> gym. It is a 56-acre development east of Hillsborough and is going before the Board of <br /> Adjustment as a special use permit. Stancil has been asked to speak to current county <br /> facilities before the Board of Adjustment in the context of this new development. There <br /> is an ongoing effort to complete the Headwaters Preserve stewardship plan, and the <br /> countywide trail plan. Reyman asked for an update on Perry Hills Mini-Park. The park <br /> will be presented to the BOCC as an information item at the November 2nd meeting. <br /> Community members have seen the recommended plan and seem eager for <br /> development to begin. There was continued discussion regarding the naming of the park <br /> and Stancil agreed to bring this up at the appropriate time and work with community <br /> members to discuss the eventual park name. <br /> b. November Meeting: Staff was recently informed that the Animal Services Center <br /> meeting room will not have hybrid capabilities until sometime in Spring 2024. With this <br /> consideration in mind, Stancil asked the body to consider moving the November <br /> meeting to Hillsborough. Reyman was concerned about moving the meeting for the <br /> accommodation of members who live in Chapel Hill, but Zimmerman stated that as a <br /> member from Chapel Hill this would not be an issue and made the motion to move the <br /> November meeting to Hillsborough. Xilong Zhao seconded the motion. All in favor, none <br /> opposed, motion passed. <br /> Council and Committee Reports: <br /> a. Intergovernmental Parks Work Group (next mtR 10/11/2023)— <br /> c. Items from the Council /Sharing of Volunteer Opportunities- Following the recent <br /> membership resignations, there are openings that need to be filled. Stancil asked if <br /> anyone would be willing to participate in the Story Book trail conversations to replace <br /> Becca Truluck in that effort. Fleming agreed to attend those meetings that are a <br /> partnership with the Library. The IPWG will also need a representative from the council <br /> for the upcoming meeting. Allen informed the group that the meeting is virtual and <br /> Reyman volunteered to attend. <br /> Adjournment: Reyman adjourned the meeting at 7:57 pm. <br /> Next Meeting: November 1 (Davis Center, Hillsborough) <br />
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