Orange County NC Website
<br />Program information Page 8 of 23 <br />AGENCY INFORMATION <br /> <br />Please provide the following information about your agency: <br /> <br />1. Date of Incorporation (Month/Year): September 2013 <br /> <br /> <br />2. Agency’s Purpose/Mission (no more than a few sentences): <br /> <br />The Refugee Support Center is a volunteer-based organization established to facilitate the transition of local <br />refuges to a new life in our community by providing them with services, assisting them with access to <br />resources, and teaching them skills to promote self-sufficiency. <br />3. Please provide a brief description of your organization’s past achievements in carrying out similar <br />projects and evidence of successful record of meeting proposed budgets and timetables (no more than <br />100 words). <br /> <br />Past achievements include successfully providing refugees with assistance related to housing, employment, <br />transportation, health care access, legal counsel through our pro bono law clinic, immigration applications, <br />English/ citizenship instruction, after school tutoring, personal financial literacy, and food/clothing/school <br />supplies access. In 2021 our pandemic assistance continued: hunger relief (grocery store gift cards, <br />produce/milk/egg, take-home meals); rent/mortgage assistance and navigation of unemployment <br />applications. In a typical year, services are offered individually and in small groups, but periodic community- <br />wide workshops are held on Health Education, Immigration, and Legal Information. Timetables and budget <br />deadlines have been met when required by grants: Strowd Roses, UNC Center for Public Service, Orange <br />County Social Justice, Triangle United Way and Orange County Human Services. <br />4. Living Wage: Does this agency pay permanent employees a minimum living wage? (Yes / No) Yes <br /> <br />If yes, is this agency an Orange County Living Wage Certified Employer? Yes <br /> <br />If no, please briefly explain. <br /> <br /> <br /> Schedule of Positions: # of FTE – Full-Time Paid Positions: 0 # of FTE – Part-Time Paid Positions: 6 <br />Race & Equity <br />Consistent with our commitment to equity and inclusion, the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro and <br />Orange County Government are taking steps together to center racial equity in the Human Services <br />Funding Program. We are requesting basic information about your organization’s racial equity work. <br /> <br />5. How has your organization incorporated racial equity goals into your organizational goals? <br />By using interpreters for all languages other than English and by respecting and honoring different cultures <br />we try to incorporate equity goals. Additionally, interpreters all come from cultures reflected in our client <br />base. Our Board is made up entirely of refugees. <br />6. Please describe how you have involved the intended beneficiaries of the proposed project in the <br />planning and design process (in 100 words or less). <br />Feedback from our Client Satisfaction Survey is used. In addition, our Board of Directors is composed totally <br />of refugees or former refugees. They are beneficiaries as well as representatives of their specific community <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: E3E77FC8-A197-4BE1-8072-4B18CA748C1F