Orange County NC Website
Community Impact There is significant impact in providing space to talk about the climate <br />crisis in the context of a larger society that functions as if there is not a <br />problem. It not only allows for a way to alleviate anxiety by not keeping <br />thoughts and feelings silent, but it also encourages ideas, solutions and <br />hope within the community. Through this project, climate crisis <br />conversations will be encouraged and invited at the art show and poetry <br />reading and during the workshop for the writing of the poetry. There will be <br />an educational component and an encouraging of conversation about the <br />crisis with youth as well as an opportunity for youth to use their voices <br />through poetry and in community to express their concerns, hopes, and <br />wisdom. <br />Ten students from Orange County will be invited to dialogue and engage in <br />creative work identifying and expressing concerns, solutions, and hope <br />about the climate crisis, starting from the Arctic and Antarctic and reaching <br />back home to Orange County. The art, poetry, and conversation will serve <br />as a bridge between these faraway places. The youth will write poetry <br />about the crisis and a week later read it aloud to an audience of community <br />members. All community members of Orange County and beyond will be <br />invited to come to the art show and poetry reading about the climate crisis. <br />Liza W olff-Francis and Cortland Gilliam will also write a poem about Nerys <br />Levy’s art pieces of the Arctic and Antarctic and will address the climate <br />crisis and ecojustice through their poetry and in their reading of it. <br />At an art showing of Levy’s work a week after the youth workshop, youth <br />poems will be hung beside Levy’s artwork. Gilliam, W olff-Francis, and the <br />youth will read their poetry at that art showing. This will be an opportunity <br />for the youth to express themselves to the larger community and to have <br />their voices heard. The concerns of the larger community will also be <br />echoed in the words of all of the poets as well as in the images of the <br />Arctic and Antarctic by visual artist Levy. <br />The event will be advertised locally and will bring thoughts and feelings <br />about the climate crisis out loud to Orange County and will bring art and <br />poetry to the community to share those concerns, hopes and solutions. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: FC5FFA2D-685C-4B93-BE20-4DA20E469B1B