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Attachment 1 <br /> (4 ) All disbursements from GoTriangle shall be in accordance with North Carolina General <br /> Statute 159 Article 3 , known as the North Carolina Budget and Fiscal Control Act , and <br /> the Orange County Transit Financial Policies and Guidelines , which includes Billing , <br /> Payment and Reimbursement Policy and Guidelines , adopted by GoTriangle and <br /> DCHC MPO and Orange County . <br /> C . Responsibilities of DCHC MPO <br /> ( 1 ) DCHC MPO shall work with the Implementing Party to have the Project considered for <br /> inclusion in the DCHC MPO Transportation Improvement Program . <br /> D . Responsibilities of Orange County <br /> ( 1 ) Orange County , as a non - Implementing Party shall serve as a Party to this Agreement <br /> in accordance with the Orange County Transit Interlocal Agreement . <br /> (2 ) Orange County shall review and approve all invoices for GoTriangle , as an <br /> Implementing Party , Projects , whether it be through quarterly , monthly or advanced <br /> payment cycles . Orange County shall follow a similar review process of Go Triangle <br /> reimbursements listed above " Responsibility of GoTriangle " item 2 and 3 listed in the <br /> above section . <br /> 5 . Progress Reporting : <br /> Unless otherwise agreed in writing between Parties , the Implementing Party agrees to <br /> provide quarterly and annual reporting per the Comprehensive Participation Agreement <br /> for the Reported Deliverables as identified in Exhibit A using a Reporting Template agreed <br /> to by the Parties . The Implementing Party shall include financial status of each Project <br /> identified in Exhibit A in all quarterly reports ( Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , and Q4) . The implementing Party <br /> shall include in its enhanced Q2 and Q4 reports , a narrative description of physical <br /> progress , an assessment of risks that may impact delivery of the Projects identified in <br /> Exhibit A , and a forecast of anticipated deviations from project scope , schedule , and <br /> budget baselines identified in Exhibit A agreed upon template . If the Implementing Party <br /> is allocating local , federal , state , or other funds towards Projects identified in Exhibit A , it <br /> is the Implementing Party ' s responsibility if they desire to report those expenditures to the <br /> Tax District Administrator , which shall be included as part of the enhanced Q2 and Q4 <br /> reports . The Parties agree to share supporting documentation , if requested , in addition to <br /> their quarterly and annual reporting , in a timely manner . <br /> 6 . Progress Updates <br /> A . Meeting : Parties to this Agreement shall endeavor to schedule one project update <br /> meeting annually within the forum of the Staff Working Group , unless otherwise <br /> determined , so long as it precedes the development and publication of the Orange <br /> County Transit Draft Annual Work Program . This is to review the enhanced Q2 report <br /> developed by the Implementing Party and Implementation Partners and discuss the <br /> extent to which the Project , or sets of Projects , is achieving documented metrics , as <br /> 5 <br /> Global Operating Agreement for Operations and Administration <br /> Orange County, FY2025 <br /> Contract # YY-XXX <br />