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Attachment 1 <br /> (6 ) Further, the Implementing Party shall : <br /> ( a ) Ensure that Orange County Transit funds provided by GoTriangle are not <br /> misappropriated or misdirected to any other account , need , project , or line item , <br /> other than as listed in Exhibit A . <br /> ( b ) Monitor award activities , to include sub - awards , to provide reasonable assurance <br /> that funds are spent in compliance with applicable requirements . Responsibilities <br /> include accounting for receipts and expenditures , cash management , maintaining <br /> adequate financial records , and refunding disallowed expenditures . <br /> ( c) Maintain a financial management system adequate for monitoring the <br /> accumulation of costs . <br /> ( 7 ) For new or extended transit routes , the Implementing Party agrees to coordinate with <br /> affected municipalities prior to implementation . These coordination efforts should <br /> include discussions as it relates to , but are not limited to , route planning and <br /> development , schedule development , installation of passenger amenities to support <br /> new transit operations , maintenance and upkeep of passenger amenities , public <br /> engagement and advertisement in relation to the new services , etc . <br /> B . Responsibilities of GoTriangle . <br /> ( 1 ) GoTriangle , as administrator of the Triangle Tax District , shall have the <br /> responsibilities and duties as set forth in the Governance ILA , including <br /> appropriating funds from the FY 2025 Triangle Tax District Orange Operating <br /> Ordinance in accordance with the Governance ILA . The specific appropriation and <br /> approved project budgets are further detailed in Exhibit A and in the FY2025 Orange <br /> County Transit Work Program . <br /> (2 ) GoTriangle , upon receipt of a Reimbursement Request , shall verify within five <br /> business days whether the Reimbursement Request is complete ; is within the <br /> approved budget ; is within the annual work plan ; and is in accordance with the Orange <br /> Transit Billing , Payment , and Reimbursement Policy and Guidelines , adopted by <br /> GoTriangle , Orange County and DCHC MPO in 2023 . Payment will be remitted within <br /> thirty ( 30 ) days of verification to the Implementing Party according to the payment <br /> instructions on file . <br /> If GoTriangle is unable to verify the Reimbursement Request , GoTriangle <br /> shall , within two (2 ) business days , notify the Implementing Party in writing of the <br /> deficiencies in the Reimbursement Request . The Implementing Party may thereafter <br /> submit a revised Reimbursement Request (" Revised Reimbursement Request" ) , <br /> which shall be verified within five business days of receipt . If the Revised <br /> Reimbursement Request is denied , the Implementing Party may place the item on the <br /> next SWG agenda for discussion and a recommendation to GoTriangle and the <br /> Implementing Party . <br /> ( 3 ) Where advance payments are requested , GoTriangle , after due consideration of the <br /> request , will remit funds via payment instructions on file . <br /> 4 <br /> Global Operating Agreement for Operations and Administration <br /> Orange County, FY2025 <br /> Contract # YMXX <br />