Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1 <br /> WHEREAS , the FY25 Orange Transit Work Program was developed and <br /> recommended by the SWG , presented for public comment , and adopted , as requireri <br /> d , <br /> by the Boards of Orange County and GoTriangle ; and <br /> WHEREAS , the FY 2025 Triangle Tax District Orange Operating Ordinance was adopted <br /> by the GoTriangle Board of Trustees ; and <br /> WHEREAS , the Parties desire to implement the components of the FY 2025 Orange <br /> County Transit Work Program as adopted by GoTriangle and Orange County ; and <br /> WHEREAS , as stated in the Comprehensive Participation Agreement , all <br /> Implementation Elements ( " Projects" ) contained in the Orange County Transit Annual Work <br /> Program , whether partially or fully funded with Orange County Transit Tax Revenues , will <br /> not move forward until Implementation Agreements , which shall include a Global/Capital <br /> Funding Agreement or an Global/Operating Agreement , are executed by and between the <br /> Implementing Party ; GoTriangle , as administrator of the Special District , and all other <br /> appropriate Parties as identified in Exhibit A . <br /> WHEREAS , Orange County , shall be a party to any Operating Agreement if any <br /> Project involves federal or state funding that is otherwise under the distribution and program <br /> management responsibility of County or , regardless of funding source , constitutes a <br /> regionally significant project as defined in 23 CFR § 450 . 104 ; and <br /> WHEREAS , the Parties are authorized to enter into this Agreement pursuant to , inter <br /> alia , N . C . G . S . § § 160A- 20 . 1 ; 160A- 312 ; 160A- 313 ; 160A- 610 ; 153A- 275 ; 153A- 276 ; and <br /> 153A-449 . <br /> NOW, THEREFORE , in consideration of the above recitals and the mutual covenants <br /> herein contained , the Parties hereto agree as follows : <br /> 1 . Annual Approval : <br /> The Agreement shall be reviewed annually to determine project progress and appropriate <br /> updates to Exhibit A documents , which is then executed by all appropriate Parties . The review <br /> and approval should consist of: <br /> A . Addition of new Projects to the Exhibit A if one or more is identified to be included as a <br /> part of this Agreement . <br /> B . Removal of Projects from the Exhibit A if one is identified to be complete or to be <br /> discontinued during the Agreement review process . <br /> C . Update of active Projects in Exhibit A if one or more is identified to require changes to <br /> the scope and/or annual funding amount . <br /> D . Updated Agreement shall be reviewed and executed by all Parties . <br /> 2 . Term : <br /> The Term , or period of performance , is defined as the latest anticipated year for <br /> programmed funds allocated by the Orange County Transit Annual Work Program for all <br /> 2 <br /> Global Operating Agreement for Operations and Administration <br /> Orange County, FY2025 <br /> Contract # YMM <br />