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Attachment 1 <br /> Orange County Commission for the Environment <br /> Meeting Summary <br /> October 9t'', 2023; 7:00 pm <br /> Hybrid Meeting <br /> Present: Veronica Penn Beattie (via Zoom), Kristie Mather, Mark Randall, Regina Baratta, <br /> Jessie Birckhead, Kim Livingston(via Zoom), Ian Morse, Jane Harris (via Zoom), <br /> Wilson Greene, Kim Piracci, Reade Oakley, Andrea Zimmerman <br /> Absent: David N. Mcnelis <br /> Staff: Chris Himi, Wesley Poole (via Zoom), Amy Eckberg, Kalani Allen <br /> I. Call to Order <br /> Veronica Penn Beattie called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. <br /> II. Additions or Changes to Agenda <br /> None. <br /> III. Approval of DRAFT Meeting Summary—September l lte, 2023 <br /> Motion to approve by Jessie Birckhead; seconded by Kristie Mather; all in favor; none <br /> opposed; motion passed. <br /> IV. CFE Recruitment <br /> Veronica Penn Beattie notified the CFE that there are five members whose term will <br /> expire on 12/31/23. They are Ian Morse, Kim Piracci, Kristie Mather, Kim Livingston, <br /> and Veronica Penn Beattie. Kristie Mather stated that she would like to return. This will <br /> be the completion of Kim Piracci's 2nd term so she will not be eligible for re-appointment <br /> and Kim Livingston stated that she does not plan to return. There are now two open seats <br /> in the CFE, one in air quality and one in water resources, and at least two more seats will <br /> be opening after the December expirations. There are currently six applicants for the <br /> CFE but the group would like more to choose from, so they brainstormed ideas for <br /> recruitment. Veronica Penn Beattie asked everyone to let the CFE know their intentions <br /> of staying on/getting off the board ASAP. Jessie Birckhead stated that the CFE will <br /> have to vote in a new Chair/Vice Chair at the November meeting and neither her nor <br /> Veronica Penn Beattie plan to keep those roles, so be thinking about who would like to <br /> step up. <br /> Page 1 of 3 <br />