6.7.23 Planning Board Minutes
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
6.7.23 Planning Board Minutes
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Last modified
11/13/2023 11:58:47 AM
Creation date
11/13/2023 11:54:20 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Approved August 2 , 2023 <br /> 439 <br /> 440 Adam Beeman : I asked her to read the letter than she sent to me and Ms . Bedford on the BOCC . So , she read the letter <br /> 441 that she sent me . There were no off the cuff remarks , it was simply reading a letter that she had submitted into the <br /> 442 record . <br /> 443 <br /> 444 Melissa Poole : In all of our years , this is the first time we ' ve ever had a representative city or county , in all the years that <br /> 445 Adam and I have been here , come to say anything . So , it was a new one for us . <br /> 446 <br /> 447 Adam Beeman : That was my decision , so if there ' s a problem , it was up to the chair on that one . <br /> 448 <br /> 449 Melissa Poole : We talked about it though and you definitely were aware that other people were upset . <br /> 450 <br /> 451 Adam Beeman : They didn ' t like the narrative being left where she left it , that was the issue . If she didn ' t come up and say <br /> 452 anything , they would ' ve been fat , dumb and happy but because she came up and left it with her letter, they were upset <br /> 453 that the public had to hear that and walk away for the night and think about that . That was the issue with them . <br /> 454 <br /> 455 Melissa Poole : Some of them were upset that she went longer than 3 minutes . <br /> 456 <br /> 457 Overlapping conversations <br /> 458 <br /> 459 Adam Beeman : It was all my decision . <br /> 460 <br /> 461 Melissa Poole : I know but that' s why I think it is important to make the point in this work session . I am not disagreeing <br /> 462 with adding it, I ' m just saying it needs to be very judiciously used . <br /> 463 <br /> 464 Charity Kirk : How would you change the language so if we are not here anymore and it is someone in the future . . . <br /> 465 <br /> 466 Melissa Poole : I ' m not saying that it shouldn ' t be there . I ' m just making the comment for those of us that are here . <br /> 467 <br /> 468 Charity Kirk : In 10 years , none of us will be here . <br /> 469 <br /> 470 Melissa Poole : This is my question for Charity . You brought forth and I think we all agreed with you bringing forth the <br /> 471 idea of applicant time limitations . What are you thinking ? <br /> 472 <br /> 473 Overlapping conversations <br /> 474 <br /> 475 Delores Bailey : Are we done with the 3 minutes ? <br /> 476 <br /> 477 Beth Bronson : I will say , I ' m down to let people yield their time . <br /> 478 <br /> 479 Adam Beeman : No , no , no . That is the wrong road to go down . <br /> 480 <br /> 481 Overlapping conversations <br /> 482 <br /> 483 Beth Bronson : I hear what you are saying . I am just saying I would consider it in that there may be one neighbor that <br /> 484 wants to represent . . . As long as all 5 people are here , signed in to speak . . . <br /> 485 <br /> 486 Adam Beeman : They can submit their collective letter to the planning board Google Docs . I read all those things so if <br /> 487 they have some lengthy thing they want to say , submit away to the Commissioners and us on that Doc . I read it . I can ' t <br /> 488 speak for anyone else on this board , but I read those . The issue that we are going to come to is what they will all say , <br /> 489 " not in my back yard . " I don ' t want someone to stand here and tell me my 15 neighbors said this too . Great , if the 15 <br /> 490 neighbors want to say it, then line them up and tell me the same thing 15 times . I ' d rather them not say the same thing <br /> 491 15 times either . You ' re not getting anywhere with that because I get bored , and I ' m done listening . <br /> 492 <br />
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