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Approved August 2 , 2023 <br /> 384 Chris Johnston : I ' m fine with the 3 minutes as well . On the public sign in sheet, I ' m new here , does it denote that you <br /> 385 only have 3 minutes? Does the public get made aware of that limitation ? I know their written comments show up on the <br /> 386 agenda , but I would hate to be a member of the public who sits here for an hour and a half and then be gob smacked <br /> 387 that I only get 3 minutes . I know we bring it up at the meeting itself, but I just want to make sure that we have as many <br /> 388 opportunities as possible to let people know what they are getting into . <br /> 389 <br /> 390 Adam Beeman : I ' ve got to be honest with you , at that last meeting , nobody even read the thing because they all signed <br /> 391 up that they didn ' t want to speak and were then upset that I didn ' t call their name . Reading is a problem in general . . . <br /> 392 <br /> 393 Charity Kirk : I do know that people had prepared stuff that seemed to be 3 minutes . <br /> 394 <br /> 395 Beth Bronson : Most people kept it under 3 minutes . They are not trying to sit here on a soapbox . <br /> 396 <br /> 397 Melissa Poole : We also limited people to only getting up one time . We sat through one where somebody got up 10 times . <br /> 398 <br /> 399 Charity Kirk : Can we do 3 minutes and 1 time ? <br /> 400 <br /> 401 Perdita Holtz : It is in there already and I had written on number 2 that persons may not . . . . . it does say " per person " , do we <br /> 402 need to say . . . <br /> 403 <br /> 404 overlapping conversations <br /> 405 <br /> 406 Adam Beeman : I don ' t want a husband standing up saying " I ' m going to speak for my wife for her 3 minutes too . " <br /> 407 <br /> 408 Perdita Holtz : That' s in the next sentence , " persons may not yield/give their allotted time to another person to speak on <br /> 409 their behalf. " <br /> 410 <br /> 411 Melissa Poole : I think we need to limit it to 1 time . <br /> 412 <br /> 413 Lamar Proctor: Three minutes per person , per agenda item , right? Because you may have 2 or 3 things on an agenda . . . <br /> 414 <br /> 415 Perdita Holtz : We can add " per agenda item " and that will make it even more clear. Chris , when we have public <br /> 416 comments , there are special sections at the end of the agenda , and I think that it does say there that there is a 3 - minute <br /> 417 time- limit per person . <br /> 418 <br /> 419 Chris Johnston : As much as a CYA is possible , just so that we have the ability to say , " look guys , we put it here , here <br /> 420 and here . " <br /> 421 <br /> 422 Charity Kirk : Hopefully they would prepare comments , so they were good . The ones that are prepared are always the <br /> 423 best . <br /> 424 <br /> 425 Melissa Poole : Since this is a work session and we are not voting on anything yet, I would caution anyone who thinks <br /> 426 that you want to let 1 speaker have more time . Talk to some of us who are sitting up here about how well that worked out <br /> 427 on the first night of the Lawrence Road presentation . <br /> 428 <br /> 429 Charity Kirk : I think it' s fine to have that language . I think it needs to be used sparingly . <br /> 430 <br /> 431 Beth Bronson : Are we talking about the applicants or the public? <br /> 432 <br /> 433 overlapping conversations <br /> 434 <br /> 435 Perdita Holtz : We are going to take back what I think you said and bring back an agenda item next month . <br /> 436 <br /> 437 Statler Gilfillen : When the Mayor of Hillsborough spoke for longer than 3 minutes , she wasn ' t the developer speaking . <br /> 438 How did her time . . . <br />