Orange County NC Website
Approved 5 - 3 - 2023 <br /> 455 Cy Stober- That is correct , with the three primary uses tied together, yes . <br /> 456 <br /> 457 Statler Gilfillen - So , we have the jurisdiction for recreational facilities and the traffic it might <br /> 458 impact , versus we have no jurisdiction to consider the impact of traffic from the schools <br /> 459 themselves ? They are separate issues . . . <br /> 460 <br /> 461 Cy Stober- That "is correct . I will defer to the applicants and the traffic consultant ' s analysis and <br /> 462 executive summary that is provided in your packet , distinguishing the two uses . <br /> 463 <br /> 464 Statler Gilfillen - It is my understanding also that considerations of a school are not under the <br /> 465 jurisdiction of this board either . . . <br /> 466 <br /> 467 Cy Stober- A school , yes , the type of school , no . In your packet there are links to permissible <br /> 468 and impermissible considerations . The tenant of the building cannot be the basis of a <br /> 469 determination , the use can but not the user . <br /> 470 <br /> 471 Statler Gilfillen - Let me make sure that I understand as a board member here . We have the right <br /> 472 to rule on a school whether it is appropriate as a use . We do not have the right , on a school to <br /> 473 look at the traffic implications of it though ? <br /> 474 <br /> 475 Cy Stober- That is correct , by state law . <br /> 476 <br /> 477 Taylor Perschau , Zoning and Planning Supervisor , reviewed the proposed amendment . <br /> 478 <br /> 479 James Parker , applicant with Lawrence Road Partners LLC , gave a presentation . <br /> 480 <br /> 481 Patrick Byker , attorney with Morningstar Law Group , gave a presentation . <br /> 482 <br /> 483 Eric Silinish , Design Lead with Summit Design and Engineering gave a presentation . <br /> 484 <br /> 485 Lyle Overcash , Project Manager/Traffic Engineer with Kimley Horn gave a presentation . <br /> 486 <br /> 487 Statler Gilfillen - Just to clarify , looking at the southwest corner of 70 and Lawrence , is that <br /> 488 where the historic structure is ? <br /> 489 <br /> 490 Lyle Overcash - yes . <br /> 491 <br /> 492 Statler Gilfillen - How much would that conflict on that corner with the historic building ? <br /> 493 <br /> 494 Lyle Overcash . There is 60 foot of right of way but understand , we have not surveyed this area , <br /> 495 but we understand there is 60 foot of land in this area and so that would be our challenge is to <br /> 496 keep the improvements within the right of way . <br /> 497 <br /> 498 Taylor Perschau - I want to clarify , I think there is some confusion here with US 70 and US 70 -A . <br /> 499 US 70 -A , is closer to the school property . <br /> 500 <br /> 501 Will Wirt , Civil Designer with Summit Design and Engineering , gave a presentation . <br /> 502 <br /> 503 Nick Kirkland , Certified General Appraiser with Kirkland Appraisals , gave a presentation . <br /> 504 <br /> 505 Melissa Poole - What is the elementary school ? <br />