Orange County NC Website
Approved 4 - 5 - 23 <br /> 439 Whitney Watson - If I could follow up on Randy and actually ask Brian a question , that is designated as an Economic <br /> 440 Activity Node , correct? <br /> 441 <br /> 442 Brian Collie- It' s a Rural Community Activity Node . <br /> 443 <br /> 444 Whitney Watson - Is there any history of that type of retail store drawing additional commercial activities around them to <br /> 445 enhance that node? <br /> 446 <br /> 447 Brian Collie- As far as that question goes , I don ' t know if I can answer that, we don 't have the studies that lead to that . <br /> 448 <br /> 449 Whitney Watson - What about suppressing additional development in that area because of the competition ? <br /> 450 <br /> 451 Brian Collie- I can ' t answer that either . <br /> 452 <br /> 453 Beth Bronson - There are studies out there if you start poking , but they are usually for more urban areas , not rural areas . <br /> 454 <br /> 455 Cy Stober- If you look at the language in the comprehensive plan , it simply makes recommendations about what the <br /> 456 future land use should be in that area . It doesn 't really speak to competition between nonresidential uses , so we are <br /> 457 bound and limited by the guidance provided by the comprehensive plan . <br /> 458 <br /> 459 Beth Bronson - Can you clarify to that point that the comprehensive plan does not necessarily specify NCCD or the NC 23 <br /> 460 but they do specify to local commercial ? <br /> 461 <br /> 462 Cy Stober- No , commercial . This was in the slide that Brian already had up . If you look at the last clause , " an appropriate <br /> 463 location for any of the following uses , the institutional uses then the final clauses , one or more commercial uses " that is <br /> 464 the guidance that is provided to us by our comprehensive plan . Imperfect as it may be , that is the guidance that staff has <br /> 465 in making its findings and I have in making my recommendation to you all . <br /> 466 <br /> 467 Beth Bronson - I absolutely agree with you . Because this application falls under "one or more commercial uses " , I do want <br /> 468 to highlight the emphasis on " institutional uses " , in that sense of this rural community activity node , juxtaposed with the <br /> 469 existing commercial uses that are already in play , in that intersection , in that activity node . Not to say that there ' s any <br /> 470 question to that, but the fact that the NC2 is designated for the rural community activity node . . . <br /> 471 <br /> 472 Cy Stober- It was neighborhood commercial versus LC- 1 which is local commercial , so they are applied appropriately <br /> 473 based upon their description , the buffers and what is in the ordinance about how they may be consistently integrated and <br /> 474 introduced into an activity node or an area of the county but yes . There' s no prescription in that NC 2 can only be in <br /> 475 these activity nodes or LC - 1 can only be in these that's not how that works . <br /> 476 <br /> 477 Beth Bronson - So they overlap? <br /> 478 <br /> 479 Cy Stober- Yes . <br /> 480 <br /> 481 Beth Bronson - Agreed . We saw this at the last presentation for the rezoning too . It' s coming within this time frame <br /> 482 because it' s dissimilar. I think it' s important that the board and the community also know that the zoning application is <br /> 483 different which makes it dissimilar which may have already been stated . But I think it's worth underscoring that there 's no <br /> 484 longer a local commercial aspect to it . It is a neighborhood commercial ask like a conditional zoning request . <br /> 485 <br /> 486 Cy Stober- Well , there was that question that was significant at the Planning Board meeting in August, regarding <br /> 487 consumption of the . . . there ' s an allocation of X number of acreage in each activity node and conditional zoning does not <br /> 488 impact that allocation , so there' s still available NC2 and LC- 1 acreage , that could be considered for future rezonings . <br /> 489 <br /> 490 Beth Bronson- Thank you for that clarification . <br /> 491 <br /> 492 Lamar Proctor- What is that allocation , for rural community activity node , do you know? <br /> 493 <br />