3.8.23 PB Minutes
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
3.8.23 PB Minutes
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Last modified
11/13/2023 11:57:17 AM
Creation date
11/13/2023 11:48:22 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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3.8.23 PB Agenda Packet
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Approved 4 - 5 - 23 <br /> 385 Bob Hornik- Because this is a conditional rezoning , we' re not only allowed to talk about specifics , as compared to a <br /> 386 general use rezoning , with a conditional rezoning , a conditional district , we ' ve got to talk about the specifics . We ' re only <br /> 387 going to be allowed to do what is specifically approved . <br /> 388 <br /> 389 Randy Marshall - Is this the last time that this comes before the planning board or if the rezoning takes place , then staff <br /> 390 handles the building approval process ? <br /> 391 <br /> 392 Cy Stober- The latter. Should this be approved , by the Commissioners , at next month ' s public hearing , this will be a site <br /> 393 specific plan . The ordinance does allow us to make minor modifications , that accommodate field realities , but we cannot <br /> 394 deviate significantly from this site plan that is before you tonight . The use would be limited to a retail use . Say a library <br /> 395 wanted to go in there , or a health clinic , the entire project, even if it was the same footprint, would have to come back <br /> 396 before the planning board and the Commissioners for approval for any other use to occupy that space . But yes , all <br /> 397 building permits , all site plans for construction , would then be permitted by right, provided it was consistent with the site <br /> 398 plan before you and limited to the retail use . <br /> 399 <br /> 400 Randy Marshall - Just to be clear then , the approval that the County Commissioners would eventually rule on would be <br /> 401 the last time there would be review or any point to comment on this project? <br /> 402 <br /> 403 Cy Stober- That' s correct unless there is a significant deviation from both the use or the site plan . <br /> 404 <br /> 405 Randy Marshall - Okay , then I have another question since we can talk about the business itself. One of the things that' s <br /> 406 striking to me is that you haven ' t justified this business in terms of what kind of sales tax impact it might have to the <br /> 407 citizens of Orange County . Is it going to make money? How much money do you think it' s going to make ? Clearly you <br /> 408 think it' s going to make money , or you wouldn 't be putting it there . Do you presume that most of the clientele is going to <br /> 409 be people who drive back and forth to Alamance County and stop there , therefore we are getting out of county <br /> 410 contributions to our tax base , or do you presume that in the case that was stated before , there ' s not enough population <br /> 411 or business within the local community to support the business ? I ' m just interested in a bit of the economic thinking about <br /> 412 putting this business there . <br /> 413 <br /> 414 Bob Hornik- Certainly we hope and expect that we are going to be drawing traffic to and from Alamance County and from <br /> 415 the area . We hope and expect that we will make money . <br /> 416 <br /> 417 Randy Marshall - There are no projections , formal or informal that you folks have done on this ? <br /> 418 <br /> 419 Bob Hornik- Not that I ' m aware of. The Dollar General folks may have done some of that . It' s really not a zoning <br /> 420 question . <br /> 421 <br /> 422 Randy Marshall - I understand but I was told that we could ask business questions so that' s what I ' m doing . I ' m trying to <br /> 423 get some sort of a feeling for how much of a commercial generator this is going to be for Orange County . Not just for that <br /> 424 community , but for Orange County . In other words , if it brings in tens of thousands of dollars in sales tax revenue , that <br /> 425 impacts every Orange County resident in terms of what we have to pay in potentially raised property taxes . If it doesn ' t <br /> 426 generate that much sales revenue , then it' s a wash , I don ' t know why we would consider it in terms of the economic <br /> 427 impact . I think that information is critical for us to consider . It' s also curious that that would be a main selling point for you <br /> 428 folks in wanting to put this business there , to say it' s going to be a a commercial tax generator for the county and to help <br /> 429 you folks to spread your tax burden out, not just for residential taxes but for commercially generated taxes as well . So , <br /> 430 I ' m curious that it hasn 't been sold at all on that . I read all 30 of the letters that were sent to the planning board , nobody <br /> 431 spoke on that part of the topic , and I think it's an important one . <br /> 432 <br /> 433 Bob Hornik- Right, everyone's been focusing on the land use aspects of it, not the economic impacts of it . <br /> 434 <br /> 435 Randy Marshall - I think you missed an opportunity . <br /> 436 <br /> 437 Bob Hornik- Yes , I understand what you are saying . <br /> 438 <br />
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